It rarely snows in the New Forest

soapalchemist said:
that was before i came across these guys - Starstedt move over

Really? (that's said in my best Prince Ruprecht Steve Martin voice),

Man. you lost me there Toots.

First time I heard that Sarstedt song, it was being done by a guy (PJ) with a guitar who was part of a bunch of us traveling through Europe back in 1973. Yep, he was a Canadian who traveled with us a while, but mainly stayed with us in Greece for a month or so.

Eight of us rented a house on Crete and it was party central for any tourists our age. He'd play guitar, another guy would do magic tricks, the hash guy would sometimes stop in to say hello.....

PJ would also sing Streets on London, which I had never heard before and a few other things. Man, you musta heard that a few times growing up.


Toots........Now your talking

Sorry I lost you there Mabs; it could get worse - or better. Some years after Top of The Pops (by which time, I hasten to point out, I had completely severed any and all connection, with Bay City Rollers - there isn't a severely embarrassed enough emoticon),
I moved onto this , which I was getting into at the same time as this story happened and was all over the news for as many days as it took We heard little Alfredo crying 'Mama, mama' on the news from the place that became his tomb. They dropped a microphone down to him, along with yoghurts and bananas. About 16.30 on the vid is the song that just made me feel how his mother at the top of the well must have felt during those days. And for a long long time after.
Bit sniffly now.....
soapalchemist said:
I moved onto this , which I was getting into at the same time as this story happened and was all over the news for as many days as it took

Jeeez Toots, you sure know how to lighten things up........yowie! That is pretty damn sad I gotta say.

However, here's a song called White Punks on Dope, done by The Tubes. If you like this, be sure to listen to She's a Beauty and also Don't Touch Me There. Lots of crazy live stuff on youtube.

I included this tame version so you could see the words.

Please to not be bumming me out in the future.

Message received and understood Dodgy.
Were The Tubes ever really crazy???? Maybe to some.........
All them emoticons up above are just to show how happy dappy I am. This is how it happens across the pond
No-one ever dies at all, it's just fantastic!!!