Is Rockwell 6s the best?

Today I've used the Rockwell for the second time this week. The first time was a carefull and, looking at my lack of whiskers, a rather unnecessary shave! I just tried my neck area with the mildest baseplate, the nr 1. Today I really needed a proper shave. Rockwell on 5, personna lab Blue, gladjakkers soap.
I've been into DE wetshaving for some years now and I've used several razors along the way. Vintage aristocrat and Slim adjustable together comptemporary razors like Weishi, Merkur 25, Parker and my current ones the Progress and Ikon x3

The Rockwell is a very very very good razor.
Effortless, mild, effective, well balanced!
Looks may be deceiving because it's not a shiny instrument but more a rugged gun metal tool. Angle is easy to find. I've even did a pass ATG which I never do because of my sensitive skin.
Maybe it's not a razor for men with very heavy beard but my curly, stubborn three day beard was almost gone after one pass. The Rockwell is a joy to use. Beter than my notorious Progress and just as mild and adequate as my Ikon slant. Easy to maneuver.
Finest smoothest shave ever! I'm a very down to earth kinda guy, don't want to hype another American Icon but it is good, very very good.
I gotta agree. Tried a dozen razors, new and vintage, (though nothing substantially more expensive than the 6S) and I keep coming back to the Rockwell. I would guess my skin is maybe a notch more sensitive than average and my beard about average. I've also tried a bunch of different blades over the past 6 months. I prefer the Astra's on Plate 3 or Feather's on Plate 2. Close and comfortable. It just works.
Well, Gentlemen. I've pulled the trigger and bought one. From an UK vendor. I've had my share of vintage but I'm looking forward to a SS, heavy, well balanced, sort of adjustable.
To be continued!

Good for you, and I expect you'll enjoy it a lot.

You'll also be in the fortunate position of being able to talk about it with authority, as you will actually own and use one.
Well done, you. It'll be all the more rewarding for the time and effort you put into getting it. As you say, it's well-priced and affordable, and, as a bonus, you get "six bangs for your buck", not just one. I had lots of fun trying out the different plates and, if you're not a daily shaver like me (where the morning's stubble crop is much the same day to day), I should think that finding the right stubble/plate combinations would be very interesting.
Slight (?) thread resurrection, if I may please. This is a lovely razor. It looks and feels like a tool, as many folks have previously said. I primarily use it at #4 for an effortless, clean shave. #5 and #6 are more aggressive, but nothing like R41 aggressive. Love them. #1 is way too mild for me. For this reason I would have preferred the following plate combination: #1/#2 and #3/#4 (now it is #1/#3 and #2/#4)
The 6s works well with Polsilver SI and Feather blades. It also works well, for me, with Bic Chrome Platinums but Personnas seen a little bit dull with it. I will certainly try more blades with it.
I see some folks have mentioned the 6s in the same sentence with the Blackland Blackbird. Can you please elaborate? ie what plate you use in the 6s, if the BB shaves deeper -stuff like that. Many thanks.
I like my RockandRollWell with Rapira Platinum Lux and offcourse the infamous KAI. But the Personnas may seem mild but also give me an effortless smooth shave