Is it possible to have too many razors?

I have 15 DE razors, half of them classics, the other half modern, it would have to be something special for me to buy any more though, and there is a couple I wouldn't miss if they were gone, like the Feather popular, which I only keep in case someone I know expresses interest in DE shaving, but I like the variety, I like the age of the classic ones, and the diversity of the modern ones.

I don't consider it one upmanship, I think SOTD would be pretty darn dull, if everyone that posts only had one razor, on soap, one aftershave, though the advantage is that you could copy and paste the last weeks shave.
I've accumulated about 100, but that includes 15 duplicates that I actually use for shaving. The good ones just get looked at! Mostly Gillette, mostly English made.
I've accumulated about 100, but that includes 15 duplicates that I actually use for shaving. The good ones just get looked at! Mostly Gillette, mostly English made.
That's great, it makes you happy and in doing so you are not making anybody unhappy so why not. We are free to do what we want any old time! As it should be.
I've accumulated about 100, but that includes 15 duplicates that I actually use for shaving. The good ones just get looked at! Mostly Gillette, mostly English made.
Good for you. The difference, of course, is between being a razor "collector" and a razor "accumulator"; or, in my case, a bit of both.
Some people collect stamps, beermats, glass bottles, fountain pens, fine wines - whatever floats their boats. Some collectables can't be used, but just looked at or drooled over. At a pinch, most razors, however, can be, whether they form part of a collection or an accumulation, and, with one exception, all mine get a look in at some point in a year, and I enjoy the differences between them.
I'm interested in what people have acquired in the way of razors, brushes and so forth, and what they make of them, in the same way as others are interested in new car models, telephones or computer games - take your pick. I don't, however, want to buy every single thing I see, if indeed I could, and I certainly wouldn't enter into an acquisition competition.
For one thing, I'd need a bigger house with more bathrooms.
I too wouldn't want to enter into a acquisition competition but each to their own thing, and I think that's the answer to most things in life, if your thing doesn't impact on anybodys life then why not? -