Is it possible to have too many razors?

That's a good enough reason never to let go of your razors....good forward planning!
Unfortunately, of my three sons, two have beards and the other sees shaving as a chore, so it's as quick as he can get it over and done with using multi-blade and canned goo. I sometimes wonder has Mrs H been playing away as they don't seem to have inherited too many of my shaving genes. Anyway, I strongly suspect that when I shuffle off this mortal coil my lovely collection will be making an appearance in the nearest charity shop
I have nobody to pass mine on to unfortunately so at some point in time the charity shops will be overflowing with fine razors, ha. But I'm not ready yet so they are not having them yet!!!!!
I suppose one could argue that more than one is to many but I enjoy having an 8-10 razor rotation. I have shaved with all the razors I have collected over time and will occasionally pull one out just to reacquaint. Matter of fact today I used my 48 (mint) Aristocrat for only the 5th time. I plan on passing on my herd to my son and two grandsons so they will not go back on the market. I guess after I'm gone they can do what ever they want with my collection, but I plan on warning them that if they do; I will haunt them.
I have got far too many Ever Ready SE Razors 1912s in different cases [ about 12] , 1914 [4], 1924 [4], Streamline Types [ 7], did not go mad on Injectors though apart from PAL, Injecto Matic [5], Adjustable [3 ], just let one go.

Should really get rid of some, but no one really wants ERs these days, with the Market being flooded with S/S razors.
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All the more reason to keep them, after all you wouldn't want to give them away would you?
In all honesty I think you have to separate enjoying shaving with collecting. Collectors buy razors mainly to enjoy owning them, yeah they shave with them but I think it's the owning that they enjoy. I think you can have too many. I often get pangs of guilt for owning what I do. I do not want to become a collector but I enjoy buying myself something now and then.
8 to 10 is my optimum figure too. Enough variety, but not too much as to be overwhelming in terms of space or prevent me remaining well acquainted with each.
I know I don't fall in to the category of being a collector because as with my AS-D2 I sold it because it was no longer getting use, I shave with all my other razors in a rough rotation and enjoy every single one of them, I'm a shaver not a collector and it's the same with my brushes, they all get used, from my omega boar 49 through to my Shavemac's. I've never seen the point in collecting anything that has a use and not using it for what it was made for. No matter how old and rare a razor was I would use it because not to doesn't make sense to me as a non collector. just to make it clear, I have nothing against collectors of razors, whatever pleases you is good for you, I was just pointing out that I was not a collector just a shaver who enjoys using different razors,
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