Is it just me?

Happy to talk further about it, it's something of a pet topic; I was genuinely trying not to derail the thread and blind people with science, rather than just be a cock. Unfortunately I have something of a gift for being a cock.
Am I the only one to admit that I don't have a fucking clue what any of you are talking about?
I think I will stick to having nice shaves and using too many apostrophes, or in the case of this post, just the right amount.
daz said:
Am I the only one to admit that I don't have a fucking clue what any of you are talking about?
I think I will stick to having nice shaves and using too many apostrophes, or in the case of this post, just the right amount.

Lol Daz, that made me laugh.

I'm very lazy on forums, in fact I'm just plain lazy with grammar where as my companion as she likes to be known is always telling me off. Hell she fluent in Latin so I stand no chance.
It's that bad that when I finish my lunch unless my knife and fork are correctly placed when finished she refuses to tidy up can't be having that!
soapalchemist said:
'can you recommend a razor to me' - surely.

Or, indeed, if it were intended for the sole use of the questioner (Can you recommend a razor for me ?).

Gosh, how this thread takes me back to school in the 60s & the monstrous old English teacher who delighted in tying us up in grammatical & syntax problems. He was the same one who insisted on us learning the entire "Charge of the Light Brigade" amongst other narrative poems . Which put me off reading poetry for some 30 years or so after escaping school at 15. But then, administering 3 or 6 strokes of a leather belt to 13 yr olds with poor memories seemed passing strange to me even then.

Johnny (I used to parse you know) O. \:icon_razz:
Do the self-appointed grammar Sasi also have problems with the spoken word?




joe mcclaine said:
Do the self-appointed grammar Sasi also have problems with the spoken word?





Some do... There's one podcast I listen to in particular in which the contributor goes to such extreme lengths to avoid split infinitives the he mangles entire sentences. He's certainly forgotten that 'that' is an appropriate word and doesn't need to be replaced with 'in which' all the time.

Fortunately, I enjoy the rest of he programme and it amuses rather than annoys me.

Oh - and the world would be a poorer place without dialect. There's something very gratifying about having a local sub-language. Just a shame that they are being softened in many places (the accent remains but the language constructs are being normalised)
joe mcclaine said:
Do the self-appointed grammar Sasi also have problems with the spoken word?

Vinny, are yow including me in yer 'Sasi' jibe? If yer are, I'll cum round an' kick yer arse.

By the way, did you mean Stasi, old boy?
I used to have a boss who really didn't understand anything about the job technically... so he used to get very strict on grammar and language in order to disguise his shortcomings... except he didn't understand that either:

"You've used a split infinitive there, boy!"
"It's not an infinitive, it's a participle."
"Don't get funny with me, boy!"

How I laughed.

Yes, I meant Stasi but the Mods have taken away my edit button.
joe mcclaine said:
Do the self-appointed grammar Sasi also have problems with the spoken word?





I din't nar we the grammar stasi are but there's nee problem with accents, dialects or colloquialism in my byuk, arnly in context like.
The standard of Engllish a chap speaks and writes marks him for what he is and enables him to find friends of a similar class, status, educational standard and thus, probably, intellect.
Bechet45 said:
The standard of Engllish a chap speaks and writes marks him for what he is and enables him to find friends of a similar class, status, educational standard and thus, probably, intellect.

I would agree with that.

I know I go out of my way to exaggerate my accent and use of local slang when talking to people who I think are pillocks as I don't really feel the need to associate with pretentious bell-ends.
joe mcclaine said:
I would agree with that.

I know I go out of my way to exaggerate my accent and use of local slang when talking to people who I think are pillocks as I don't really feel the need to associate with pretentious bell-ends.

But you said we where mates
Amazing! Bell-End! Always thought it was a D...-Head. Amazing the things you learn here-). It's like going back in History!

I didn't want to show my ignorance twice in the same note but: Pillcock- Brit slang a stupid or annoying person. [from Scandinavian dialect pillicock penis] .
Two new words for the same term in the same thread!! What an education today.