Iroquois barred from entering UK


The Iroquois Nation, inventers of the game Lacrosse have been barred from entering the UK to attend a Manchester championship game. BY TREATY, the Iroqouis have issued tribal passports as symbol of tribal soveriegnty. Current regulations saw the US demand they use US passports or be REFUSED reentry to the USA. SOS Clinton intervened with a waiver. Now the UK has barred entry to the 4th internationaly ranked team.
2012 will see the world championships held in the USA. I hope the british team shaves their heads ahead of time and reads up on the french and indian War
I had a valid UK passport to go on a trip to the US I was really looking forward to. Turned up at the airport, unfortunately it wasn't one of the new biometric ones they now demand. Grrrrrrrrrrr. No presidential waver for me.

MM, I've been strip searched, not much fun if it's by some hairy arsed customs officer, mind you it wouldn't have been much fun for him least I don't think so. :shock:
Yup, the world is an unfair place. And the US are the (current) winners so we all have to do what they say.

That's the way things are. And always have been (check any period of history; the "winners" change but not the basics laws of the jungle). Get used to it. Or live a sad and angry life of disillusionment and futile protest.

Ah......that's where organised religion comes in to tell you all to be nice and accept your lot in life, otherwise eternity will not be spent in the land of milk and honey, but sharing a bunk with Raoul Moat & that bloke from Cumbria - who both snore - well did before they used firearms, point blank, to clear their sinuses :shock:
I thought that was a requirement of being male, over 40 and residing in the UK!

No, Jesus taught and practised subversion from within: gently, quietly, persistently. Look at how the Berlin Wall fell, or the end of Apartheid: the church was doing it's work stealthily and whole systems changed with minimal bloodshed.

Justice and mercy.

Now *that's* revolutionary.