Iphone jailbreak

I jailbroke my iphone two days ago, and I must admit its made a real improvement to it.
The process was reasonably straightforward. Well impressed with it !!
You get access to the file system , you don't have to use itunes. You have access to loads of themes. Command line client, open ssh, apps that apple would'nt allow because it allowed you to do things for free that providers are charging for e.g. tethering for internet access. There are games emulators for snes .
If it does'nt work out all you have to do is update from itunes. the jailbreak is as simple as going to jailbreakme.com on your iphone's safari browser and following a couple of prompts.

Cheers mate
I jailbroke the mrs' ipod touch, once you do it you can get 'extended' trials of the majority of apps
I've been fiddling with my jailbroken iphone and its like getting a completely new phone . Today I even installed Flash or Frash as the japanese who developed it have called it :lol:
Nope - I was thinking about the "bad old days" of IBM PCs - when IBM switched away from ISA (industry standard architecture) to MCA (microchannel architecture) and at a stroke killed their own golden goose really... why buy an expensive PC that you have to buy expensive cards for when you can buy a compatible that's faster and has more plugin cards available for less?
Cheers for this.

I've got a touch which is lying aroung doing nothing as the home button is pretty unresponsive, this might be what it needs. The other jailbreaks require use of the home key.

ihome and mquickdo aren't really working, as a replacement home button, for me just now but hopefully with a little time in the next few days I'll have a functioning ipod without shelling out.
cheese_dave said:
So... from this I understand that the iPhone is rubbish and you have to hack it to make it any good? Interesting...

Its not fully 'Rubbish' , but when you jailbreak it you realise just what a cool device it is. You see just how Apple have really stupidly/cleverly hobbled the iphone . Its gone from being a pretty good smartphone to a very small size linux based computer. I can choose what software I want to use rather than the Apple sanctioned one.

Bring back Token Ring!!

Not posh enough to own an iPhone yet, but if I do get one I would consider this.
If anybody wants to jailbreak a guy called Comex(clever guy) has a site up now called http://www.jailbreakme.com.
Simply visit the site through your devices browser,and it's automatic from there. (Though your firmware must be 3.1.2 or later)
No funny business,it's a trusted site,and so much easier than the old ways like red and yellowsnow,blackrain etc...
If you ever want to restore to the original settings hit the restore button in itunes.