In need of a new watch

No problem I hope it works for you. All I need now is for my Vostok watch to get here in 1 piece and hopefully in working order.


My Vostok Amphibian arrived today, simple but feels good and looks good too. Time (sorry) will tell how tough it is. The strap is not the best quality so I may change that in the near future.

Thanks guys it's very comfortable to wear and is keeping good time so far I dont like the strap though and although i like the metal straps I may get a nato and zulu strap and see what I think.

Hey folks
Just thought you would like to see my Vostok with the NATO strap attached, its a 20mm Black strap, very comfortable and fits my girly wrist just fine. I may end up getting a few more colours though.

jim3rg said:
Hey folks
Just thought you would like to see my Vostok with the NATO strap attached, its a 20mm Black strap, very comfortable and fits my girly wrist just fine. I may end up getting a few more colours though.


Looking good!
After my recent two watch haul for my 50th someone we know within scouting gave me a load of ear ache about "nice" watches.

He buys a Casio retro style watch, wears it and when the battery goes bins it. And "can't understand" why anyone would want anything else, and why people spend money on "expensive" watches.

Every time we see him now I get some crap about my collection. He's around 80, he gets no response from me, each to their own. He spends his money paying his Freemason fees and single malt. Always sports a beard and well if he knew half about my shaving collection, well I'd be in for double ear ache.
Oh well, Zenitar still hasn't bothered to send a replacement watch out still, I would advise to go with a different seller if anyone is after a Vostok!!!