In need of a new watch

Boots are always fine, but their shoes always rip me up at first. My last pair had a permanent lood stain in the lather lining at the heel!
I felt the pain this morning lol, I have ordered some of their wonder balsam to see if it really is as good as they say

Its being delivered by Yodel so it may take a while to get here but i will give some feedback.

Re: RE: In need of a new watch

jim3rg said:
Its being delivered by Yodel so it may take a while to get here but i will give some feedback.


Check to see if they have chucked it over your fence........
The Wasp said:
No customs to pay and arrived in 9 days from Moscow. The seller is Zenitar and he has a good rep on this forum..

My amphibian arrived today from zenitar, doesn't work.....................
First impressions are that they aren't that tough a watch after all...
Heavyd123 - Have you contacted the seller? I havent ordered mine yet and would be interested to find out what customer service you have. Wasp - what was your watch like ie. Build quality etc?

Mattlad - he would have to be an olympic gold medalist to try and lob my fence seeing I am on the 9th floor although on second thoughts it probably wont stop yodel trying.

Yes, contacted him, he said he will replace it. Its costing me another £9 or so to send it back though.
Got a nice new Nato strap and black bezel to go on it when it arrives in another few weeks....
The nato straps look good but I am a metal bracelet fan, the one I was looking at has a metal strap and black face, the bezel is blue with a red portion if memory serves.

Is the bezel easy to fit?

My watch is well built and started as soon as I wound it up to get it going, and I have worn it every day since it arrived , without any problems. Sorry to hear that you've had a bit of trouble with your order.

The balsam arrived a few days ago and I applied it every night since. Tried on the shoes today and the leather seams softer but not as soft as I would like so I will wear them for a few hours during the day then balsam them at night and see how that goes.

It seams to have worked though.


Great, do keep us updated on how it goes.

I have used the Balsam for about 4 days and yesterday I wore my DM shoes all day without blisters or raw heels, so for me at least the balsam seams to have worked.
