In defence of stainless steel razors

I don't know how or when it started - but for some reasons there has been a lot of "anti modern Stainless Steel razor"-posts lately and I am here to stand up against these steel naysayers and proudly declare that "My name is Darkbulb, and I love Stainless Steel razors"

Why do I like stainless steel razors?

To me much of it comes down to the weight and design.

As much as I like many razors in lighter materials such as aluminium and various lighter alloys - as well as some brass razors - I find that a razor made out of stainless steel has, for me, the Goldilock weight. Sure, different designs will add or subtract from that weight but there is still something about it resonates well with me when I pick it up.
As much as I love, say, Titanium, I feel that it's just a tad too lightweight. Once again - for me.

A number of the later razors made out of stainless steel have been rather 'beefy' when it comes to design. Longer handles, heavier heads, etc and personally I really like it. It changes how I hold the razor and how little pressure I need to apply. I simply enjoy the shave more.

I know it is easy to ridicule razors costing $200 or more and associate that with the steel fetish a lot of us appears to have but at the end of the day - if I feel 'better' about picking up a razor that feels good in my hand (nicely balanced and good weight to it) that's what matters the most to me.

A lot of razors are capable of producing a great shave but to me I can't see myself picking up most any of the vintage Gillettes (and I own probably 30-40 of them) as I find them too be too small (apart from say BigBoy, Big Fellow, etc) and deliver a shave that often is rather 'meh'.

I probably have 300 razors - and I've used at least 250 of them at some point - but I seem to only ever have 25-30 razors in my rotation. Out of those 75% are probably stainless steel.

Sure, not all modern stainless steel razors are 'winners' in my book - I still don't really like the $200+ Rx Asylum for instance - and the aluminum The General is one of my favorite razors. I guess it just shows that there are no firm rules.

The more intangible reasons
There are also other, highly subjective, reasons for why I often feel attracted to modern stainless steel razors; the look of a non-plated/chromed silver metal, the often CNC machined precision (even though I do rather like the molded Rockwell 6S as well so this might be a weaker reason) and the perceived "long lasting quality".
The last one is probably the hardest to describe/defend as most any razor we own will outlast us all with proper care be it made out of Zamak or bakelite - but there is just something, to me, about stainless steel and how I feel that this can and last generations if I should be so lucky. It's timeless and lasting and maybe there's some romanticizing as well going on and I'd be happy to admit that.

Anyway, long story short; I don't get the backlash these modern stainless razors are getting.
To me they have more than once proven to be a great choice in razors and I will continue to enjoy them as much as I can.

In the end it's all about finding what you like - not finding what you dislike about what others use.

And to really hammer the point's my modern stainless steel collection for you to either like..or dislike

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DB, I totally agree with you. Everything you said about stainless steel is correct, and I like that you said your preference is toward that without trashing any other material. It really comes down to personal preferences and just because one person prefers one material or razor type, doesn't make the others bad. Some of my best razors are brass, aluminum, and even that Z word in addition to stainless steel and my preference goes with the characteristics of the razor and not the material. Stainless steel has heft and so I will use a certain technique with that, much as a bakelite razor would be light and so a different technique. all has pluses and minuses and all a part of life.

Oh yeah, the only part I will disagree with (partially) is your opinion of the RX. I find it to be a great shaver, but I also find the Hawk to be very close. Yeah, the most expensive AC safety razor being just slightly better than the most inexpensive one.
My daughter and her mates all bought light up shoes in the summer. I guess some things never die eh? Or some things just aren't fads.

Never had a stainless steel razor. Would love to try or own one but costs are out of my league. Even so I'm not jealous and if I was I won't hide it under a suggestion that they're rubbish
I will say that I think the skeptics are more on point where injector razors are concerned. I don't believe the additional mass/weight provides the same benefit with the more rigid blades and in fact may be counterproductive in offsetting the maneuverability advantage injectors have.

some weight to an injector would be useful. people say the pal adjustable is "heavy" but the balance sucks.. its like trying to use a fat boy with the same weight as a feather popular... it just doesn't work.
I like the looks and the durability. The fact that I can use the heck out of them without ever having to worry about plate loss and replating is a real plus for me.
Absolutely right. The chrome plate has peeled off the Merkur razors I bought in the late 70's/early 80's, and quite a lot of Gillettes, Red Rings etc. have seen better days plate-wise. I prefer plain finishes, whether stainless, brass or aluminium, and I also like the precision of Timeless, Blackland, Wolfman etc. etc.

I'm nowhere near @Darkbulb 's league for the number of razors but, like him, I do find myself gravitating to the stainless ones more than ever.