Importing soaps from US to UK

@jb74: do you concur about the base note coming from the formulation rather than intended fragrance? I wouldn't have been certain if I'd only picked up the bay rum. But it was quite noticeable in the Cavendish. This underlying base note permeates through both fragrances and asserts its dominance in the forefront. It's the chink in the armour of an otherwise excellent soap.
The Frost Bite is menthol all the way.... very strong, can feel it in the eyes... so there's nothing scent wise after the menthol to mix it up.

I don't believe that 'The Beach' is a standard formula. It has a very unique scent and really does remind you of a trip to the beach with sea air, sand and sun tan lotion. I asked herself to smell it without telling her the name and she got it in one. I didn't get any strange undertones.

I did take a sniff of their Lavender mix at Knights Barbershop and didn't like it at all. I also noted the review on boards that marries up with what you're saying.
I tend to agree with you about the scent. There is something under the lime scent of mine which does overpower the actual lime scent, it maybe the kokum butter that s in the soap.

Got to say I've not been bowled over with this soap as you guys have. It's not bad but nothing special compared to my preferred soaps
Griffo said:
Got to say I've not been bowled over with this soap as you guys have. It's not bad but nothing special compared to my preferred soaps

It has been a few weeks so I shaved with my HTGAM Bay Rum today. I started with a well soaked brush and gave it just 2 light shakes and went to work. This soap has a wide sweet spot and the glide might not be brilliant if you settle for the lower end of it. As wet as I started, I still needed to dip the tips once.

My suggestion would be to feed this soap plenty of water. You may be surprised by the results.
I do tend to use quite a wet brush and overload, I find it compensates for my hard water and tends to give me the dense, creamy lather I enjoy.

I have no problem with the lather itself as it lathers up easily enough but it does lack a bit of glide and I don't care for the post shave feel. I do like the big tin it comes in and the whole marketing is good.

I just look at cella and mwf and soaps like that which cost less and suit me more.

I've ordered some Dapper Dragon soap from the US so just waiting on delivery for them.
Just had to moan as I had been pretty lucky with my US purchases until today.

So after dropping a $135 on soaps at B&M (including both his fougeres) I got stung by customs. I forgot to request Will to mark the value below $25. Maybe he wouldn't have been comfortable doing so, but it's always worth asking.

At $35 each + $24 shipping + €25 customs this is by far the most expensive soap I own.

SWMBO must never know!