I Tried...Really

Well, here I go again. After having been extremely happy with my "Great 8" I decided the new Pearl Flexi OC should be gotten. Sigh. It's somewhat appealing in the same manner that a bulldog can be. I do like the handle though.
I haven't had an OC since I'd sold my Tatara Masamune OC. SBs give me great shaves. So why? Read good reviews and the price is very good for a solid brass razor that's also adjustable. Not that I needed an adjustable. I think part of the reason is that I kinda miss doing reviews on razors, brushes etc. So I'm slowly stepping back in...maybe? I hate to say this but the GFS Valynor is also tempting to pre-order.
We will see...hopefully it doesn't further trigger my long dormant RAD. (He said unconvincingly)
Well, had my first shave with this beast. Heavy razor. Nicely finished in matte satin and an easily gripped handle that you can actually feel the edges of the design. Used one of the blades that came with it. "Willy's". That will be the last time. Not a terrible shave but nothing great and I think it's because of said blade. Felt a bit harsh and not smooth...or particularly efficient. So the next shave will be with a blade I know and like...Perma-Shave, Nacet, PolSilvers etc Then I'll be able to make a better observation of how this thing shaves.
I used a Parma-Sharp blade with the Flexi and there was a considerable difference over the "Willys" supplied blades...which by the way, will not be used again. This shave was smooth, comfortable and enjoyable with the razor performing much better. Now I start doing some experimental shaves with different settings. Bloodless, I hope.
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