I think I've found my "forever" soap ...

I think I've just got this. TFS Tobacco Verdi. What a soap, some delicate strong fragrance and exceptional performance. Buying more of this as I don't think I'll stop using this, ever.
...beef fat and coconut oil hit the spot for me... Tabac, Cella, Haslinger, Valobra, Vitos, Lea; there are soaps which are great for me that do not contain beef fat and coconut oil - but not many...
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I have the Coconut and Sandalwood. They are OK. Not a go to soap for me but pleasant enough. Good lather if a touch pasty. Not as slick as I like. For the price though it is good. I grate mine into a larger tub. Now then, onto the good stuff. SV is epic for a vegetal soap. It's expensive but it loads brilliantly. It smells great and the performance is out of this world. Stirling is the same as is MWF. Take no heed of the people who say it is difficult to lather. I've never found this to be a problem although we have decent water where I live. That said it lacks scent. OSP, P&B and Wickhams are all good performers too especially the new 1912.
You owe it to yourself to give SV a go though. You will not regret it.....Well apart from paying almost £20 on a bar of soap that is.
My forever soap would be Old Spice and Arko stick, since the Old Spice is discontiniued long time ago, Arko would be my forever soap. Always get a great shave no need for pre-shave and all that, I always use the stick as is(rubbing on face) and a decent boar brush, face lathered. Excellent results
My forever soap would be Old Spice and Arko stick...

I have two NOS pucks of Old Spice soap, They work great, but the scent is "mummified" for sure. I just add a few drops of vintage Old Spice cologne to the lather and badda boom, badda bing.....time machine. I love Arko as well, but I gotta tell ya buddy, the Omega V. 3.0 "croap" just pushes all my buttons.

It would have to be Tabac for me. I know it's a marmite scent but I love it and the performance is excellent. Honourable mentions to Cella, Body Shop Maca Root and Palmolive, stick and cream.
I know you like the latest Omega, it is good actually it is very good but if I had to choose between Omega and Arko it would be Arko.
I got two pucks of Vintage Old Spice, I think twice before I use it as it is discontinued. It is a proper wet shave Legendary soap.
I'm the same with my Old spice, only two pucks left, so only use once in a blue moon.