I`m Johnny-no-socks from Manchester

Welcome Johnny, nice welcome posts. I see you're very well equipped. Look forward to more SOTD's
Thanks so much Electrif - the two Yaqi heads - the silver and black ones with closed on one side and open on the other are a dream - the mild and aggressive are perfect for me and no more swapping razors - they make shaving a pleasure especially with custom soaps I do as a seasoned herbalist using these ingredients...

Thanks Brit and ATG - much appreciated - I only started collecting shaving gear about 18 months ago - I think I have plenty now - considering I`m nearly 60 and had a hard life but I`ll always be a Russian Scorpio Party Animal !
I smoke and drink, go clubbing and ride a bike up hills for 40+ miles - the bike saved me !



Here`s me and my heavy old Dutchie with a 50 watt Dali Katch on it !!
Sometimes I put the bluetooth karaoke with lights and 2 mics on it or take my battery bluetooth record player to the pub for a lock-in lol !
I can`t drive because of really wonky bones but they`re not exercise for my strawberry tart !
Getting a 60lbs bike up the Snake Pass or going to Buxton - Derbyshire from Manchester on it is invigorating !
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Haha Thanks for the warm welcome Mike Smart - erm actually the reason why I don`t wear socks is because I have a full body bone gangrene - called avascular osteonecrosis - which is like arthritis with knobs on and I can`t bend or be agile enough to put shoes and socks on - I wear flip flops in the snow - for nearly thirty years now - we all have our crosses to bear Mike !

I`ve come here to learn about razors and modern shaving tech and associated soaps and aftershaves etc.
To be honest I`m a bit of a caveman - but i`m too old to change too much now at nearly sixty !
I have a “puling on socks” gizmo. It’s simple and ingeneous… roll up a bit of plastic into your sock, yank on the two bits of string… and voila… one besocked foot. It’s probably a bit late to change your habits now, though. One other idea… you could paint your feet… any recognisable sock colour would do.

… probably best not to follow any of my advice…
I have a “puling on socks” gizmo. It’s simple and ingeneous… roll up a bit of plastic into your sock, yank on the two bits of string… and voila… one besocked foot. It’s probably a bit late to change your habits now, though. One other idea… you could paint your feet… any recognisable sock colour would do.

… probably best not to follow any of my advice…
Haha Thanks WiffWaff I`ve tried aids and no joy - my back and shoulders and arms are knackered as well lol !
Haha Thanks for the warm welcome Mike Smart - erm actually the reason why I don`t wear socks is because I have a full body bone gangrene - called avascular osteonecrosis - which is like arthritis with knobs on and I can`t bend or be agile enough to put shoes and socks on - I wear flip flops in the snow - for nearly thirty years now - we all have our crosses to bear Mike !

I`ve come here to learn about razors and modern shaving tech and associated soaps and aftershaves etc.
To be honest I`m a bit of a caveman - but i`m too old to change too much now at nearly sixty !
Your never to old to change mate.
60 is a young man,
Get Ahaving and enjoy the stress free time
Thanks Mike - you can teach an old dog new tricks - but that depends if it`s a mongrel or a pedigree and I will endeavour to make changes !
All I need is a trad bar of olive and a cheap s/h Gillette Tech travel razor really.
I don`t need hot water - pre-shave - shaving brush - towel or aftershave or even a light bulb to shave - I`ve lived in some tough places !
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