
Hi y'all! I'm over in your quaint islands visiting a personal friend at the moment. His name's Barry and he lives in Southwold. Barry has a beard so he takes no interest in shaving, so I turned to America's greatest invention, the internet, to keep my passion alive. I've been lurking for a while reading your mighty fine website and have taken a fancy to a fellow by the name of Pig Cat. I expect you know him - a self-styled family man who I'm sure has never known the pleasures of the palm. Sadly he appears to have left the forum, so until his return I intend to do my best to fill him mean fill in for him.

God Bless the U of K! Whooop!!!!!!! :?
:lol: Nope, did you think my avatar was me? No sirree, I just used that for the benefit of you guys so you could tell I've got stars and stripes running through my organ. Now I'm living over here Barry (my personal friend) suggested I change it from JR Ewing to JR Hartley. Well what the hell, why not!
Fido said:
Jim - you have inspired me! Watch out for a change of the Fido logo.

Enjoy your stay.

Why thank you sir! Any friend of Pig Cat is a friend of mine!!

Er, you don't happen to know his precise location do you? I would love to speak to him and get more information about his habits. Shaving habits.
Jim said:
Er, you don't happen to know his precise location do you? I would love to speak to him and get more information about his habits. Shaving habits.

I don't, but if you go to any (adjustable shaving) mirror and look squarely in it, you'll see him, he's obviously your long-lost twin brother - you didn't know you'd been abandoned as a child did you?
Hello Jim, and welcome!

Presumably you frequent Badger & Bullet when Stateside? Well, ours is a much smaller community - a bit more Royston Vasey (UK TV) than Washington D.C.

Yes, indeed, PigCat was a fine chap. He was brilliant, in fact.

So, what's your shave set-up like then, Jim? :shave

:lol: :lol: :lol:
It was the offspring from an unholy union of Miss Piggy and an unidentified muppet extra.
His twin sister and wife is CatPig.

Jim Henson did a pilot episode for a PigCat show but it got shelved when the whole CGI thing took off.

Facts, one and all.