How to protect a Schick injector while travelling?

It is a one size fits all design,so not only does it fit this Merkur Futur clone,it also fits everything from my Fatip Piccolo to my Fatboy's,and everything else DE in between!.
I wouldn't say cumbersome....

More like,nicely close fitting,and protective....
All Good buddy!,This was not my first choice of design,but the previous one,although great for 3 pieces,failed miserably with vintage TTO's,so a redesign was required!.
This design fits every DE I have tried it with....

Apart from yours Stacey.......
Ohhh!,all right then!,you twisted my arm!....
It might take a while mind....I have at least 5-6 restore/replate's to get out before Christmas,so all leather work is on hold ATM...
But I will do one for your as soon as I can though....
PM me with what you are wanting exactly,and I will see what I can cook up.....