How to protect a Schick injector while travelling?

@D.T - don't you think this should be a riverrun PIF as he inspired you to create this marvellous protector?

Maybe the gannets will stay away and leave Andreas as the only PIFee. Can only hope!
... and I'm out please.

Don't want to be a gannet!
Oh dear. I wasn't serious. I'm not comfortable with this kind of favouritism. Please don't run a away, globalm...
That's a lovely gesture guys!,I am truly touched by the generosity of the members here,so @riverrun ,what press studs do you want?.personally,as my Hydromagic is black and gold,I prefer gold,even though the leather has been dyed dark brown,it is really dark brown!,not quite as black as the inside,and edges,but still very dark!.
PM me your address,and I will send it off when the press studs arrive....

I really do not know what to charge for these guys,with leather,stain,waterproofing,polish,studs,they probably come in at around £3-£4,then it will take me about 1-2 hours to cut,shape,sand,down the leather,then 24 hours wet forming it to shape...But I only have the Hydromagic to use for the shaping...
I can do them in either black,or brown.with the inside waterproofed,with a choice of silver,gold,or antique brass press studs.
If you want to send me a your razor,I could always do a custom fit too.
So,how about,£15 for a custom,and £10 for a Hydromagic style,posted in the UK, sound?.....
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Maybe Paul has Tough Face like Big Chief War - Whoop says Schick Injector is Heap Quick but he no have to shave cause his face is tough...

"I no have to shave." *facepalm* Yeah, American Indians are genetically predisposed to not grow facial hair. So lets get one to act as a spokesman in this advertisement...for a razor.

What's next? David Beckham: I'm not a woman, but if I was, I would wear Victoria's Secret...
So,how about,£15 for a custom,and £10 for a Hydromagic style,posted in the UK, sound?.....
I think there is every chance of the Hydro-magic fit going with with a great many of the Schick heads.

PM sent.

BTW - Is it just me or has anyone else seen historic parts of this page appearing well after their posting times? Strange.
BTW - Is it just me or has anyone else seen historic parts of this page appearing well after their posting times? Strange.

Historic parts of this thread, perhaps. But not of this page. Unless you are one of those unfortunate individuals with the attention span of a goldfish.

Edit: and I'd hardly call eleven days 'historic.' I know we live in modern times, but that's taking it a bit far, don't you think?

Historic parts of this thread, perhaps. But not of this page. Unless you are one of those unfortunate individuals with the attention span of a goldfish.
Although I probably AM such an individual, I have been seeing (just this thread, just today) earlier posts, which I hadn't seen, 'inserting themselves' in their proper place between posts I had already seen.

I'll flush caches just as a precaution.
I get you. I thought you were referring to my quoting of an older post. My mistake.

Just out of curiosity, why wouldn't a standard DE leather travel case work with an Injector? I think Dr Terror's solution certainly looks better, and of a certainty will be better made for about the same price (or much cheaper, compared to an EJ case).
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I'm not sure how to take this... How about.... alright then. Thanks for the generosity, everyone!!!
As my beloved Schick Golden 500 is a black and gold Hydromagic (hence the name), I'll go with gold then. (Although my trustworthy N3 I usually travel with is black and silver). Will PM shortly..


Gold press studs it is then!.
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I imagine,that case is made with thinnest,cheap shit leather available,and stitched on a machine,by some poor 6yr old in an Indian/Chinese sweat shop....I recon it will last 6 months at the most.If you want something that will last a lifetime,hand made,hand stitched,hand formed,hand cut/dyed/polished/waterproofed,let me know.....
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