How to protect a Schick injector while travelling?

...I'm actually considering designing my own injector blade guard and have it 3D printed, depending on costs...
Let us know if or when you design your own 3D printed guard. That sounds like an excellent idea to me and just the thing 3D printing was invented for.
I always think there should be some kind of cover on Injectors because there's a blade in there all the time, so a cover would be handy for storage.
For some clever 3D printing person it should be a simple project. Maybe even a few aeration holes to prevent any moisture being trapped.
Although not specifically for injectors, I bought a small neoprene pouch (originally intended for mobile phones) for travelling with an 'armed and dangerous' razor. Plenty of padding, plus unlike leather it wont potentially go mouldy if the contents are a bit damp.
Will it fit into a hard glasses case?
I just checked and yes it will fit. But: the hard glasses case uses too much space in my little wash bag. I could take the glasses case outside the wash bag, but again this lacks elegance. I'm really after something to just protect the head and blade. Best solution so far: head protector from Gillette Guard razor and a small rubber band.
Good idea as well. But again it seems more bulky than necessary. I want something that makes my Schick Golden 500 feel special