How to find Dave at The Safety Razor

Saw a thread earlier about this guy that replates. How do I find his contact details. Also looking for a good Pen turner to turn me a new handle for my Personna Precision Adjustable which by the way gives the best shaves I have ever had from a DE.
Or on his website.
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For what is worth I did both, he is a nice guy and replied to both E mail and PM. I sent an Aristocrat to be re plated this Friday, PM me yesterday to say re plated and just final polish and lube and would be returned within a few days. Great service as far as I am concerned.

What type of Aristocrat did you send to be replated? One with rhodium plating originally?

No it was the Aristocrat Junior so normal plating
Re the handle:

If it's a standard thread you could do far worse than talking to Greg at ikon re one of his bulldog or longer handles. He sells them via eBay for around twenty quid shipped.

I am using one of his bulldogs on a tech head at the moment. The added heft gives a little more bite to the shave. Great work day shave.

Greg is registered on here as ikon. Or a eBay search for ikon bulldog should turn up his store.