How many soaps and creams do you have in rotation?

I think I have about 12, but I use them seasonally and some were bought to see what they are all about.
In reality I'm probably rotating 3, and that annoys me. I'd like to find the one... or at least one per season.
Old spice
And some proraso cream.

quality over quantity

Stick to what you really love and resist the urge to splash out on the latest artisan. Found this out over a year ago. You then appreciate what you have

I have never splashed out on any artisan. I am a soap maker and anything called artisan is just grossly overpriced regular soap. Fact.
I'm not a collector of software or hardware so I only keep the ones I love. Currently I'm at around 15 soaps, I always think about buying more but I want to enjoy the ones I have now.

I never understand the 100+ soap guys... how do you even remember what's in your rotation?
If they are anything like me, a meticulously arranged spreadsheet
I'm somewhere between 10 and 15 I think. It's not so much 'trying to find the next best thing' for me, I just like having different scents and a mixture of soaps and creams.

I don't feel so bad now, having read how much some of you have, so I'm off to buy some soap...
7 atm with 3 more as Christmas presents. I have some samples on the go from @SoapAlchemist which will make full size appearance.

I've come to the realisation that a regular change of soap is more interesting than changing a razor. I'm pretty much sold on the R41 as my weapon of choice and rarely move away from it. So a different scent in the morning just breaks up the routine. Without that then shaving will fall back into the mundane requirement of life.

I use a different soap everday but not in strict rotation and there is only 1 (Prorazo Sandlewood) that doesn't make an appearance at some point.
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What's a 'rotation'?

I'm like a shark - constantly moving forward.

I was thinking of slowing up on the reviews, but a custom-made shaving advent calendar means I have a lot more to try.