How long

How long do you try new blades for i have just switched from the blades i got with the Boots DE Razor to Astra Superior Platinums that i received from Connaught in a sample pack.
And how do you know if the blades you are using are working for you the boots blades seem to tug a bit and the Astras do seem to be smoother so is it best to stick with these for a while till my skin gets used to them.

To get the true charcteristics of a blade I stick with the same blade for around 3 blades worth (as a minimum) of shaves and try and keep things consistent too.

When a blade works you, it will just feel like you've never had a shave, there's just no hair on your face! You'll just kind of know I guess is the answer to that.
Just work your way through the samples youve got and you'll end up with a shortlist of satisfactory blades. Some will give you more shaves than others and one or two maybe will tick all the boxes for you.
When you get your next razor, things will probably change and you'll end up trying all the blades again as well as other ones and you'll end with another shortlist of satisfactory performers
Then, as your skin adapts to DE shaving, you'll find that some of your early rejections will come back as 'actually pretty good'.
So as you can see its pretty straigthforward,,just keep buyin' an' tryin and you'll soon know which blades are right for you.
Happy shaving,
regards, beejay
Very true Beejay. I've found that with a few.

Wait till you get that de89. It's going to quite a difference to what your used to! There quite heavy IMO. Look stunning and great shavers though.
Hi Scotty,

Let me toss out a few thoughts about your question, and maybe that'll help explain things about blades. Having used many blades over the years I do have some insight as to how they should fit me properly.

Whenever I try a new to me blade, I'll pretty much know within a few strokes how it's gonna perform. Sometimes it takes a little longer, but that's only if it's a good blade that I'm trying to that's worth spending a whole shave with. Lots of times I get rid of a previously untried blade after those first couple WTG strokes.

Heh, now here's where things get a bit nasty.......the dark side of this goofy 'hobby. I figure you'd rather know exactly what's up with your seemingly innocent question. rather than sugar coat anything.

That idea of knowing right away about a blade sounds good, right? Seems easy and quick, and no problem wasting time with a crap blade. The reason I'm able to do that is I have a go to razor to try that blade in. The razor I use will give me the best shaves with the most variety of blades. It's the one that provides me with the best performance combos.

Unless you have the right razor, your opinion about the blade results can be incorrect. Matter of fact, even excellent technique and a good blade can't compensate for a razor not suited to my face. To truly test a blade you need a control razor, which I'd bet you don't have yet. With any luck that EJ you're getting will do the trick nicely.

Some people (myself included) think it's more important to find the right razor first, rather than the right blade. Heh, I told you this was a nasty little can of worms. Maybe other members will disagree and offer other opinions, which is fine with me. I'm always willing to listen to other ideas.

So that's the scoop as I see things. I hope some part of this helped in some way.

Hi Martin,
Great post and thanks,will wait till i receive the EJ before chopping and changing too much as the Boots Razor is only a cheapo i bought to try DE shaving,i didn't want to dive straight in with something expensive until i had at least got the basics correct not that the EJ is expensive.
"boots blades seem to tug a bit and the Astras do seem to be smoother"

I can concur with that. The Boots blades are Israeli Personnas and I found them excellent in my WS Classic but they do tug a little in my Techs surprisingly. I found the Astra Superior Plat I tried to be a smooth performer in both razors and the Keramiks to be a great blade.