How frequent do you shave?

Every 3rd day, or just when I fancy it. I find if I shave ATG I can get away with that frequency. If I just do WTG + XTG then it'd be every other day.

If I shave daily I tend to get razor burn. I'm obviously a great big softy!
Mostly every other day for me, but I enjoy my shaves more when I have three or four days growth to take down
Having said that, with more than two days growth, I look a bit scruffy - a bit like this . . .

Apparently, Mrs L doesn't much fancy the scruffy old geezer look !
I'm a Shift Worker and due to my job I have to be clean shaven to be able to don a BA set or escape set, but during my time off I allow my face a day off from shaving but I have always preferred to be free of stubble, I can shave in the morning and if going out that evening I will require another shave.
Are you ready for sacrilege.....?

Once a week! (with my OC).

I'd like to more but I like to take my time and it's time I don't really have in the week. I also don't mind a bit of stubble
I shave every day, a proper shave does take a bit of a time.
Thanks guys for the replies, just shows that even wet shaving reflects the "rich tapestry of life" that's out there.
I sometimes do an evening shave when I need to get away early - I find that forme there's very little beard growth overnight.
Every morning after my shower unless I have an early start in which case I shave before bed.

I shave everyday. Like a few of you ^, I may shave in the evening if I have to get away early. There have been times when staying out somewhere, where the facilities for some reason haven't been great. I then miss a shave and regret it the rest of the day.