How do you use the strop pate?

I bought a strop paste, in a little white tube with yellow tape around it, its whitish colour. so how do i use it? does it go on the smooth side of the strop or linen? I use the green fine dust(chrome dioxide or something like that!) I bought from Neil, which is very good, but this one seems different.
I would not use either of them on my daily strop, as they will be abbrasize for touhing up the edge not daily use, what is the other one you have bought, as it could be nearly anything from the description

Doh, just re-read your description that would be the dovo paste you bought, all the yellow one is tallow for conditioning your leather part of the strop
The strop paste with the yellow band around (yellow strop paste) it is not an abrasive - it is a tallow (fat) based leather conditioner, that most new strops do not need. It goes on the leather strop and will affect the draw (increasing it). The tube with a white band (white strop paste) around it is a chalk-based, mildly abrasive mix intended for the cotton side of the strop.

You apply a small pea-sized squeeze of yellow paste to the strop, working it as far as it will go in an even fashion, then apply more to finish the coating. Use it sparigly.

The white paste will readily go into the weave of a cotton/canvas strop - so much so that you will probably use all the tube if the strop is of a decent size.

Both are OK for daily use - the white paste improves the efficacy of cotton/canvas a little, and the yellow is useful for a strop which is in danger of drying out. I have seen it smeared all over the fine nap of new Dovo strops - where not only does it spoil the appearance big time, but is also not necessary. It is supposed to strop strops drying out and cracking - which it will do - but a new strop is in no danger of drying out or cracking for years, unless you live in a country with extreme ranges of temperature and humidity.
