Hoping for less negativity in 2017 ....

I too have seen a change recently. I'm not blaming anyone.... It just seems that a lot of decent threads are hi jacked and turned into something they didn't start out as. I had a member telling me that shimming my ATT was a complete waste of time and that I should have bought a razor that shaved me well from the off, Luckily he even told me the one's I should have bought which was nice of him,all the while admitting that that he personally hasn't used an ATT nor had any intention of ever owning one.
I couldn't believe it. Shaving is difficult enough to get right as unless there is a pass around, which are most welcome, you are buying blind and untried. The chances of finding a razor that suits is extremely diminished.
These types of replies are unwelcome and not needed. Now if that member had an ATT and had suggested something constructive then no problem. I'm up for any suggestions and help. Just dismissing another members post though is insulting and unwarranted. It's this type of thing that needs the intervention of the hard worked mods.
I love this forum and it's members I hope it improves
In the short time I have been posting to this community, I have been so impressed with the friendliness and unselfish helpfulness of the posters. We share a hobby where there are literally 1000s of products and it is impossible for everyone to agree about each one. What I love about the site it that, in the main, peoples opinions are accepted. Maybe i just don't see the offending posts.
As I do frequently say, one of the downsides of having to clear a block of posts is that innocuous posts may be removed within the block. Your post was not in itself in breach of any rules but commented on the surrounding posts and would have made little sense left on its own.
Personally I'm very glad you no longer see fit to introducing what I consider mostly tat to the forum as I feel a great part of this forum's demise has in fact been your doing. What this place has been reduced to now is it seems just a commercial front for vendors, product placement and "encouragement". Newer members now believe that answers only lie in another purchase, product change or at least that's what they are told when seeking advice, no longer are they told to be patient, study, practice and with time and sage advice all will come good but to buy this or that instead. This community now empty of knowledge and wisdom from it's departed members is now unable to pass anything on except a vacuous opinion on the latest product (s) so members now resort to derision and now you're complaining.

You reap what you sow, thick skin indeed.
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It seems to me that if TSR becomes a hotbed of innocuous posts, bereft of controversy, opinionated, challenging, and interesting content, then you're job is done -- much like the BBC.
It seems to me that if TSR becomes a hotbed of innocuous posts, bereft of controversy, opinionated, challenging, and interesting content, then you're job is done -- much like the BBC.
Perhaps, to coin a word, what we want is 'nocuous' but not 'noxious'. Interesting, challenging, controversial will always be fine.

I haven't been a member on this forum for long but I must say that my experience has been the complete opposite of what you have written. I have been told to be patient and learn my technique, not to keep swapping blades, creams etc..

I also have to say that this is one of the friendliest forums I've ever been on.
Completely agree sir.

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