Honing service or otherwise?

Friday November 25, 2016
Shwmae pawb - alright all!
Hi I'm Ben. You may remember me from such threads as 'Lurker', 'Bad reaction to shaving cream' and others. I come to all those who are wise and bountiful in knowledge for some answer (NB: you can give me answers if you're neither wise nor knowledgeable, if you so please).
As you may, or may not, know I dropped my 'Billy's Gold Dollar' and have about 1/5 of the blade being unable to shave properly, the most minuscule chip and it most certainly requires re-honing. I'm therefore posed with a dilemma, as below:
"Do I send it for re-honing at the going rate of between £15 and £30 or do I use that money a little more wisely and purchase something 'better'?"

Thanks, yet again, in advance for your help!

Ben (as mentioned earlier)
Buy yourself a finishing hone & learn to take care of your own razor.That way you will never have to rely on anyone.
If you were happy with it before you dropped it then it's probably worth sending it to get fixed assuming you can get the chip repair done for that money. It would take forever with a finishing hone to remove a chip and I doubt you could do it yourself for that cost.
I managed to remove two chips from a razor with a welsh slate 12k that cost me £15.Just takes time & patience.
I'm impressed !
To be honest I bought the hone sometime ago but they are not expensive though.I started with a slurry then finished with clean water.As you said,it will take time,but I eventually got there.I've used it on more than the one occasion & it's very handy to have.I also have a 10 & 15k welsh slate hone just incase I need them.
A new one from Billy is 20 pounds so spending 30 sending it out to be honed, well...
I've found a good price for a good service, starting with bevel hone at 1k grit and working up towards 12k (I'd imagine) plus stropping for about £15. That puts it firmly in the realms of a new BGD (Billy's gold dollar, it will take off as an abbr.!) so that's where the issue lies. If I can truly justify spending another £30 or so (which probably isn't difficult) I'd be in the realms of a more 'mid-tier' razor, away from the Gold dollar...though it has been good for me thus far.

My issue is, because I'm an utter newbie, I've got reservations about building up honing kit if I end up not using them on a regular-ish basis... I think if I continued down the route of SR shaving, I'd probably pop out in the garden and grab some Welsh slate...not really but still, I'm sure I could find some not too far from me.

Down the line, I'd almost certainly get some maintenance kit for razors, but at this stage I'm struggling to see the cost-effectiveness of it. If I hadn't 'brain-farted' and dropped the darned thing, none of this would have been considered at all!

Thanks for the responses, folks. You chaps really are a fountain of knowledge!
You Asked this Before..The Chip will Need Honed Out on the Bevel Hone..You have Damaged the Bevel by All Accounts & a Damaged Bevel Needs Taken to the Bevel 1 K Stone..

I hadn't realised how cheap they are. In that case I would suggest getting a new one then a cheap Welsh hone later on to look after them both. And the slippery slope of straight razor shaving edges closer.
You Asked this Before..The Chip will Need Honed Out on the Bevel Hone..You have Damaged the Bevel by All Accounts & a Damaged Bevel Needs Taken to the Bevel 1 K Stone..

You Asked this Before..The Chip will Need Honed Out on the Bevel Hone..You have Damaged the Bevel by All Accounts & a Damaged Bevel Needs Taken to the Bevel 1 K Stone..

I guess the only person who can actually decide whether it can either be refreshed on a finishing hone or taking back to the 1k is the guy who sorts it out..
To be able to answer the cost-effectiveness question, first you need to count how many shaves you had until the BGD need honing. Then you will see if this 30 pounds are expensive or not.
Unfortunately I can only count on one hand so it's ineffective but entirely unforseen. It wouldn't normally have blunted this quickly.

I have indeed @Fergiebilly I have every faith that the person doing the restorative work would do a good job

I think, after some deliberation, I'll send it off for honing as it is the absolute cheapest option and I can keep watch of some auctions in the meantime!

Thanks again guys this conversation can be considered complete I will, no doubt, have the opportunity to buy expensive razors down the line! May as well start cheap in case it doesn't come to fruition!
I guess the only person who can actually decide whether it can either be refreshed on a finishing hone or taking back to the 1k is the guy who sorts it out..
Any SR that Needs Bevel Work goes onto the 1 K Bevel Hone..A Finishing Stone is a Finishing Stone or a Touch Up Stone..That's it..Its Ludicrous to Do Otherwise..Its Also Quicker than Farfing about with a Finishing Stone to Go through a Full Progression..Also..The Job will be Done Properly..Honing is a Progressive System..The Honing Doesn't Even Begin Until the Bevel has been Truly Set or Properly Restored on the Bevel Hone..
