Home Made Soap - cast your vote!

This'll be my first ' proper' review so I'd better practice my typing skills after my little slip earlier. Not really got that much to compare it to - a bit of MWF some GFT soap (eucris) and recently some T&H no 10 piffed to me - 1 of the best yet thanks Nico1970. So hopefully a numptys opinion counts [emoji4]
I think you'll enjoy it. I review everything I buy, as I find I think more critically about a product and if it works for me. I do an awful lot of reviewing of automotive detailing products (car cleaning to most people) as I help with a lot of R&D for a company I use.
Alan, I just want to make good soap. I don't care how much experience you have, as long as you can either give me a big fat thumbs up or even better suggest improvements then we are winning in my eyes. However, I like to think I've got the performance to a point where it's equal or maybe even better than the likes of some of those you have mentioned.

I like your style nick, it's good to have people giving an honest opinion, whether you are selling or just testing your soap like me.
Thanks for the opportunity, James. Looking forward to trying out - lots seem to like it already!

Let me know if/when I should PM details.

I have managed to sit on my hands whilst reading this for the past few months as I would have had nothing to compare it to.
Although still busting to try some anyway, I felt I couldn't give any meaningful feedback and so it would be a waste of a sample.
I have used a few reasonable soaps now and would have some comparison.
I wonder if I could ask if anyone who is on the list feels that they won't finish them off,
could I get a go at them as well? I would happily pay for postage.