
Chessington, Surrey
Hi gents.

So my friends and I have just booked a holiday for 5 days. We leave on Friday 15th so it is pretty short notice and It's my first holiday in 8 years nearly!

I will need to shave while there, but don't want to take my finest neep handled brushes, and certainly not my fillies or any of my other straights.

Therefore, II'm asking you to recommend a brush/DE combo to take, that is cheap so if it goes missing its no big deal, but also gives a half decent shave.

Bare in mind I'm pretty new to DE shaving if that matters.

Also, got any general tips for travelling light? It's only a beach/lads holiday but I need it to be cheap so I need to fit everything in a small holdall. Also don't fancy getting any blades taken off me and not being able to shave!
If you're not checking your luggage into the hold, you'll need to either take a disposable razor or trust in procuring DE blades whilst there. Ditto to liquids over 100ml.

Brush-wise, the Omega S-Line seem to be making some waves for under a tenner. It's a synthetic brush that's designed to behave more like a boar than a badger.

In your position where you don't seem to travel much, I'd accept a lower standard of shave for the week and take a disposable plus a small tin of Proraso foam, but that's just me!
Thanks for the info.

I never use pre or post shaves now, so i was just thinking of taking some kind of razor, a brush, and some of my homemade soap. could just take the mach 3 i guess

+ 1

JohnnyO. :icon_razz:/
I think even Mach 3 blades would be stopped if they were in hand luggage. If you aren't going to check any luggage in, I'd wait until you're there then get some single blade disposables.

For a brush, the Kent Infinity is really good for travel. There's a decent cheap one from China but that wouldn't arrive in time.

Nowt wrong with your soap but a Palmolive stick is really convenient for travel. Or, if you're going to Spain, you'll be able to pick up a stick of Bea/Lea or La Toja once you're there.

Try not to shave with too much of a hangover!
Celtic67 said:
I think even Mach 3 blades would be stopped if they were in hand luggage. If you aren't going to check any luggage in, I'd wait until you're there then get some single blade disposables.
The Mach3'll be fine. As is a DE without blades, oddly.
chris.hale said:
What's odd about a DE with no blades being allowed? It makes sense to me that they're happy for you to have it without the sharp bits.

My Gillette New looks like it could be put together to make Scaramanga's gun.

Just checked on the cartridges. Yet again, I've learnt something new on here. I suppose it's hard to imagine anyone trying to hijack a plane while brandishing a Mach 3.
Take what wouldn't upset you to loose. My suggestions would be a Kent Silvertex or Bodyshop brush (Kent is better but unless you live near a John Lewis the Bodyshop will be easier to buy in time for Friday); a Palmolive stick (if you're OK with the scent) or make your own soap into a stick form and the disposable of your choice.
keep it simple - disposable gillette or cartridge razor.

i even leave the brush at home. I smear shave cream on my face and rub it in with my hands. When i'm away i don't want the bother of the full kit or the risk of losing it