Hi everyone


Just saying hello as a newbie. I have been reading a few other forums for a while without joining but the fact that this is UK based means it wins hands down! (I nearly said 'English' but thought that might get me in trouble!)

Started with a DE about 18 months ago now and will never go back to using the foam and cartridge scam. I've been dabbling with a straight razor now for the past few months as well and I must say that I'm impressed. Although that does mean there are more things to buy...
Hi, RCH, and welcome from a fellow new joinee.

Straight razor, eh? Would love to try that some day, but have only been DEing for just over a month, with mixed results. Does a straight give you a closer shave? And is it true that you have to send away your new blade for professional honing before you can start?

All the best,


check out this excellent guide by Neil.

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Nape, the link given above has some great information.
I think everyone has different experiences and opinions on using a straight and I have only been using one for a short time so I'm no expert!

The general recommendation seems to be that it's best to have a razor honed by someone who knows what they're doing and I would agree. Personally I found that this made me concentrate on improving my technique as that was almost certainly going to be where the issue was - there was no way I could blame the razor! Starting out with a blade that isn't sharp enough would not be fun as you'd probably be inclined to use too much pressure to compensate. That's similar to DE shaving - you shouldn't need to use any pressure to get results.

As with using a DE the results keep improving with time and experience - and I've still got a fair distance to go.

I'm not sure I could say absolutely that a straight shaves closer than a DE (and that would most likely open a big can of worms!) as there are so many variables (with both methods) - blade and angle, technique, lather, number of passes, etc. I do seem to find that with a straight the 'stubble-free' time lasts longer though (if that makes sense).

Using one is certainly an experience - I use a DE for everyday and then a straight when I've more time. I expect that ratio will change as I get better (and quicker) with the straight.

Hope that makes sense as I tend to rabbit on sometimes. Also, there will be people on this forum with a lot more experience than me so this is only my take on things!

Boab said:

check out this excellent guide by Neil.

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Thanks very much for that Boab - compelling reading. I fear the seed of straight shavingdom may have been well and truly planted. So many 'point' styles! And those supporting photos are bloomin' lovely (I sincerely hope that the scarlet background isn't merely the result of an unfortunate meeting between jugular and square point).

Regards, Nape
"Hope that makes sense as I tend to rabbit on sometimes. Also, there will be people on this forum with a lot more experience than me so this is only my take on things!"

Rabbit on as long as you want, Dave. I know I do! Seriously though, I can understand the lure of straight shaving -I regularly pass this tobacconists in Brum city centre and can't help but stop to admire the range of straights on display. Incidentally, it's the shop that sold me my first badger (Vulfix) and cream (Vulfix Sicilian Limes...mmm).

Even so, I think I'll be sticking with my Merkur HD for the time being. I want to master that before I pick up an implement that may well leave me looking like Freddy Krueger.

Best wishes, Nape