Hi Everyone

I recently relocated back to the UK after many years of living overseas. Thought it would be a good idea to sign up properly to a UK shaving forum, rather than just lurking. Perhaps I have interacted with some of you on other shaving forums already.

For background, I took up traditional DE shaving ten years ago with an Above The Tie razor (so sorry to see them announce their closure this week). But I only really got silly with shaving equipment over the last three-ish years, and now it’s fair to say it’s a hobby. I have way more razors, brushes, soaps, blades, etc. than I’d ever need, but there really is an explosion of fantastic shaveware around now and I truly enjoy using many of the things I’ve found. I enjoy DE, SE and barber razors; badger, boar, synthetic and horse brushes - they all have something good to offer, and the variety is part of the fun.

A really good, comfortable, close shave gives me as much pleasure as anything else that might happen on a given day. For me it was well worth the journey to learn good shaving technique and search for products that suit me and make the ritual even better.

Good health and happy shaves to you all.
