Hi all

Thursday August 4, 2011
I'm glad to be on board a UK site I am a member of SRP which is a good site but based in the states is not all that handy for purchases.
I am fairly new to straight razor shaving, but am becoming addicted very quickly, I am in the process of re scaling a GONG straight back bought off the 'Bay' the blade is in A1 condition but the scales were warped, so I am making a new pair from ebony, with a bone wedge, stainless pins and my own variation on washers, brass ball ends from guitar strings!
I'll post a pic or two when the project is finished, now all I need to get are a selection of hones, the waterstones I currently use are far to coarse for razors, this is going to be an expensive hobby methinks!


Welcome to the forum, John.

A few of our members here are also in SRP, including myself, and if you hang around you'll there is plenty of info, advice and members who perform their own restorations and post pictures.

It is indeed an expensive hobby if one keeps acquiring and restoring, but I suppose very rewarding to be able and turn some vintage blades into shiny ready-to-go razors yourself.

Enjoy TSR!

I've actually given my college fund over to another member 'he who cannot be named'
You will save nothing and gain sooo much fuuun.