Hi all, DE noob


stick around here and mr gillettes grandfather will be raiding your pockets too
Hello and welcome!

Here are some golden rules, based on my experience:

Get a nice heavy razor. If it is too light and has a hollow handle get some bad boy ball bearings in there sharpish!

Now you have your heavy razor DO NOT APPLY ANY PRESSURE WHATSOEVER! Let the blade do all of the work. I think cartridge shaving promotes a heavy pressure technique with a light blade, turn that on it's head with a heavy razor and NO pressure.

Use a warm towel to get them pores open and use a GOOD pre shave. I use the Bluebeards Revenge stuff, highly recommended the lot of it.

Get the lather right with a nice badger brush. When you think it's right, it probably isn't. For me, it should be at least the consistency of squirty cream and will take a lot of frothing and much less water than you would think.

Use an alum block or witch hazel (Thayers is EXCELLENT but you might need to order it in from the states) or both! Great finish.

While starting to learn the new technique just go with the grain. Shave will be poor but it is about getting your technique spot on. Once you have had a week or two of this, do a second pass across the grain. Don't go against the grain until you have the first two 95% perfect. remember NO PRESSURE.

Change your blade. I only use mine twice because paying a couple of quid for 5 blades doesn't bother me when I might spend fifty quid on some after shave.

Finally, and most importantly, CUT UP YOUR CREDITS CARDS, CLOSE YOUR PAYPAL ACCOUNT AND NEVER USE EBAY AGAIN! This will put you in the poor house in no time!