Hey there!

Hi everyone, a relatively new (3 months and counting!) DE shaver here Currently located in Melbourne, Australia - but originally from the sunny island of Singapore.

First read about DE wetshaving on another forum that I frequent, written in great detail by a member who had this wonderful hobby and decided to share it with the rest of us. It caught my interest as a way to spice up something that had become rather mundane over the years. It was mainly out of curiosity more then anything else because the results I achieved with my Mach 3 were irritation free and at least "DFS" for most part. So it wasn't so much seeking a better result, but rather seeking a more pleasurable path to achieving the same result or hopefully better.

So far its been a great learning experience, albeit sometimes testing on the more sensitive areas on my neck. I swear I've never had such terrible razor burn in my life - but I stuck with it and through simple experimentation and technique through practice I've been able to gradually progress toward that initial goal. Its turned a simple every day routine into a great little experience and for that I'm thankful.
Hi Dracz, welcome to TSR! I agree that DE shaving isn't so much about getting the best shave possible as about the enjoyment of the whole daily experience.
Pig Cat said:
Hi Dracz, welcome to TSR! I agree that DE shaving isn't so much about getting the best shave possible as about the enjoyment of the whole daily experience.

Thanks for the warm welcome gents :mrgreen:

Pig Cat :Ahhh yes I agree, but for awhile it was tough justifying the whole experience as pleasant as it was, purely for the fact that I was getting inferior shaves even compared to the usual cart + goo combo I was using previously. It was definitely a lack of technique so I kept on reading, kept on shaving and voila - now its not only a great experience, but with great results to boot!