Hey...anybody like to join me in a week of Palmolive?

Pete said:
Don't forget to grate it into a bowl. :lol:

Just finished grating two sticks and moulding the soap into a bowl. I've found I prefer loading the brush this way, instead of rubbing the stick over my face beforehand. Different strokes and all that...
I was hoping somebody might explain why folks like to partake in a joint act of using the same soap for a period of time.

Some sort of act of community and brotherhood? I dunno.

Maybe some US members might like to tell.

One day I will try grating a Palmolive stick into a bowl just to try it out, I have quite a few stockpiled

From the soaps that I have in cake and stick (like Tabac and Harris) I really prefer the sticks. In an ideal world the soap makers would offer both.
Pete said:
From the soaps that I have in cake and stick (like Tabac and Harris) I really prefer the sticks.

With the way the Tabac and D.R. Harris sticks are packaged, I couldn't see myself changing them as they look quite functional. However, the more basic sticks I've used (Palmolive, Speick and Valobra) have been far easier to handle and offered the best results in grated form.