Hey all

barber of civil from B&B saying hello and glad theres a humourous uk side to this shaving lark . I got a bit disappointed with B&B to be fair so thanks to the guys for getting this together. Dont let Rev-o sell me more razors ffs !

Whats gone on and welcome to anyone saying anything for once

It's not just the good offices of our man-of-the-cloth you need to beware of... Erwin is here too

Welcome along...

It all started one day when CONUK disappeared, the mods from the big pool performed a coup because of some perceived issues with the group and set to on a Putsch (the last one on the same scale was in a Beer Hall in Munich in 1923). Boab rolled plan B into action and here we are. At least 2 CONUK'ers are banned for life from B&B.

Since then there's an arbitrary 25 post minimum on CONUK (but no other social group) and basically all has changed there so a decent minority have decamped to here - at least one of us talking non-stop shite ever since.
Cheers Hunnymonster ! you dont get that kind of sarcastic wit accompanied by historical insight from 1923 anywhere else ... and im glad erwin is here to tho he's not allowed to sell me anything either !

...does seem to make that ever strange issue with connaught clearer and clearer .... heres to fewer convos about the best gun etc etc
hunnymonster said:
It all started one day when CONUK disappeared, the mods from the big pool performed a coup because of some perceived issues with the group and set to on a Putsch (the last one on the same scale was in a Beer Hall in Munich in 1923).
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Some mods on other forums behaves like crazy austrian guys.....
Welcome to this wonderful forum!Hope you like it and enjoy it

Are you comparing those mods to Adolf Hitler or Josef Fritzl? Either way that's rather unfair on the Austrians!! :lol: