Hemp shaving soap.

So just had a late shave using the Hemp soap. Not a bad shave but I probably didn't do it justice. I normally shave after a shower for best results. I rarely get the best shave prepping at the sink without a shower, which I did tonight. Also I rarely shave 2 days in a row which I've just done. Thirdly yesterday was my first ever use of a Shark blade so still finding my way with them. I had a great shave with it yesterday very smooth and comfortable so used the same blade again tonight in the DE89.

All that said yeah not a bad shave. I got a decent lather by face lathering, although the lather fades away leaving the soap translucent on the skin. Great for shaving around facial hair. I found the soap gets dry on the skin and I always felt the urge to keep wetting it. Instead I kept the razor wet which seemed to work. I'm thinking a bit of trial and error is needed here to determine how much soap to use in the first place. The website says ''Apply a knob to the wet warmed skin''. Mmmmm. Dunno if that's a metric knob or an Imperial knob?

I didn't particularly notice any super enhanced glide of the blade using the DE89 but I definitely did later when detailing my goatee using a Shavette. Very silky across the skin.

I'm going to persevere with this product. The 30mg jar is quite small so I'm gonna use it up and learn to get the best from it. I'm liking how my skin feels and it certainly feels like a natural product free from nasties.

I'd say a pretty good result under the circumstances and using a natural soap like this for the first time. I'm going to wait a few days before the second attempt which is my usual shaving style.
Nishy said:
Do these soaps smell of hemp? Would customs butt search you if you took these abroad?
(Im not looking for the above just to be straight)

Smells kinda " wet cardboardy " to me, however I wouldn't know what the family of hemp you get cannabis from smells like. I wouldn't have thought that this would attract any more attention than hemp shopping bags or clothing, however that's just my guess.

JohnnyO. :icon_razz:/.
I don't know what Hemp smells like but there's no cannabis or otherwise druggy smell to my soap at all.
It doesn't smell of much at all really and may be a bit meh for those who like fragrance.

My bro uses a hemp/patchouli oil soap which he says smells like a lump of soft black.
He's always worried about Police dogs.
Second shave tonight using the Hemp soap, this time with an Ever Ready 1912. The blade had already had one use. Again the prep was done at the sink without my usual shower.

Well here I sit with what must be the best shave possible. It can't get any better. Except for one thing...

Me visage is a bit burny. It doesn't feel like shaving rash, more a reaction to the soap. I used maybe double than last time and kept it wet throughout as it tends to dry and get sticky on the face. I like to shave around my goatee then finish by getting in close around the beard using a shavette. I didn't rinse the soap from my face though as I focused on the beard. By the time I was done I was a bit red and the burning started. Redness faded after an hour but the burny face is still there.

I didn't get any of this with the first shave. What a shave though. I don't know how much the soap has contributed but I've never experienced anything like it.
Today was my 3rd shave, and like Dave, I'm finding that The soap works better as I've used a bit more to face lather with. The soap seems quite water hungry & I'm using the softest brush I have in order to aid water retention. Still surprised at how soft my skin feels after rinsing. No probs thus far with any burning sensations.

I'll give it a try in a day or so as a pre shave as mentioned by Geofnay to see how that works.

JohnnyO. :icon_razz:/.