help with jagger 89 please

Tuesday July 17, 2012
north west
is the white handled jagger

the same as the chrome DE89L ?

or is there a weight differance etc due to the plastic handle.


just had a look on shaveshack and it appears the white handle i like is a DE87.

can someone please confirm if they are the same please.
I own both razors and each are terrific value and top performers. There may be a gram or two in it but I can't tell without weighing them and frankly I'm not that bothered.

Choose whichever you prefer the look of really.

To iterate they are both very good mid-weight razors; enjoy whichever you choose.

Hope this helps?
I'd agree with Blyth, I think there's a gram in it but it's not something you'll notice, just go with whatever you like the look of. I've still got the "ivory" one and it's perfectly well balanced and weighted, doesn't feel remotely plasticky.
cheers guys, i didnt want to buy my fav looking white one and find out that it was a differant head and weighed a good chunk less.

i just think the white one has the look i want.

best or reccomended place to order from anyone?

i would like to keep the ball rolling in here or a small independant if possible.

English Shaving Company in Sheffield. Top supplier.:icon_razz: