HELP! Recover camera photos after SD card crash?

Hello, I have encountered an unpleasant event. My 64gb sd stick from my camera has failed and all my photos are gone. The card is no longer readable on the camera. When I connect the card to the PC it shows up as empty and asks for formatting.

After a bit of googling, I realised that you need special software to recover photos. I even tried a few, but did not achieve the desired result ......

Does anyone know how to help me?

If you have already tried these to little benefit, the only other thing I can think of is trying the card with a different operating system. If you have Windows then try using a laptop with Linux or Mac OSX.
Thank you) One of the videos helped me.

Hetman Partition Recovery was able to recover 90% of the data from the flash drive. This is probably the best result so far. Overall, I'm satisfied because I managed to recover most of the data for little money.Thank you all for your help)