Help needed - info on a Simpson '41'

OK, I blame the enablers around various fora for this. Posting pics of butterscotch beauties and the like.

So I've got the bug, well, maybe. At least the IDEA of a brush restoration is very appealing. The actual practice of it may be less so, especially given the huge list of things I need to do shave related before starting a new project.

Anyway I decided I should get a cheap brush to start with. The pic on eBay looked interesting, butterscotch? and it didn't cost much:

OK, so I've done my dough on that lot. A rough cheap and nasty plastic job that is splitting and a made in China thing (I was hoping for a Omega from the pics on the listing)

So, time to try again....

Better BUT....

The amber looking based one has what looks like a melted bit and the other one has lots of scratches. Repairable? I don't know enough to know. Maybe worth a try????

So after the lack of success so far I wasn't holding my breath on the final purchase. This is the pic from the ebay listing -

It wasn't a lot of money maybe another learning experience.

No markings on the brush according to the seller so I had no expectations when this arrived, a nondescript box

Open it up, hmmm, this is more promising, nice colour, a worth candidate for a restoration and re-knot maybe? The colour is very different in the flesh to the listing pic - maybe finally I have taking a punt with some success!

Take the brush out of the box and turn it over....

Hey, that label looks familiar. Have I got a vintage Simpson? The engraving says '41' and 'Pure Badger' with the same written on the box?

The pic doesn't do justice to the richness of the colour. Now to learn what to do with this baby and treat it well.

I've never heard of a Simpson '41' and can't find any information to date on them. I believe you can sent brushes back to Simpson to be re-knoted - in Best maybe? - but I have no idea what to do at this stage. Just happy that it was not the third strike and I was out!

If anybody has an information on the 'Simpson 41' that would be really appreciated.

(BTW - sorry for poor phone pics)
You have got yourself a vintage Simpsons. Gary, or Mark of Progress Vulfix both members here should have more information. What to do with it? Depends on your attitude to vintage stuff. You could get it completely restored with a new decal and knot - but it's a Pure badger brush so "Best" wouldn't be authentic. You could send it to Simpsons after getting an idea of costs of restoration or approach our Beejay who does a great job on these things. It's a purely personal thing. I'd even think about giving it a try as it is and keeping it just as I found it. It's great but it's not one of the top end Simpsons worth spending a lot on.
Fido said:
You have got yourself a vintage Simpsons. Gary, or Mark of Progress Vulfix both members here should have more information.

COOL! after the first purchases I didn't want to strike out again

What to do with it? Depends on your attitude to vintage stuff. You could get it completely restored with a new decal and knot - but it's a Pure badger brush so "Best" wouldn't be authentic.

Good point. Funny I'd not thought about that despite having 230+ vintage Gillette razors that I would never think of replating. Reknotting in 'Best' would be like replating an old razor in rhodium because you can.

(emphasis mine)

Good point again! I'm clearly a noob with brushes and haven't thought it through as I would with razors. I suppose the difference is that this is likely to really be about personal use as a keeper rather than as a collectible.

Thanks for the great insights
If anybody can comment on the knot currently in the brush that would be great too. It looks like badger - but it is blonde which I've never seen before.
1950s Nimmer Mill made Simpson 40 series brush. And yep, Peter is right that it isn't one of our old 'top end' brushes. Back in the 50s a lot of the 40 series were sold in quantity to the 'high street' chemists - eg. Boots.
This looks like it was a 'private' sale as the 'high street' models were lampblacked with the Boots logo of the day.
The badger hair has 'bleached' over the years - normally due to being left on a bathroom window. But, as with our own hair, it tends to 'whiten' out over time, especially the coarser pure grade.
Nice little brush from one of our most busy decades so I reckon you had a good little find there.

Thanks heaps for that info Gary!

I'm really in two minds what to do with it now.

To me it is special, my only vintage Simpson (and at a good price too!), but I accept that it is not one of the really collectible 'top end' ones. Maybe I should give it a clean and try as is. If it works then stick with it. If not maybe I'll get re-knotted in 'Best' as a keeper for myself.

Thanks again for the advice

If it was me i would peel the label off, use some peek silver polish on that handle and it will clear any crap (have done this on 3 vintage Butterscotch Handles) and buff it to make it shine like new, then i would send it off to bill (Bejay) for a re knot in pure badger, and he has also able to now re-black any lettering, then when received back i would apply a new simpsons sticker.....
With apologies to the OP, maybe I could ask Gary about the brush I've got while he's in a typing mood. Nice to see he's still up and around.

So Gary, I found this at an estate sale a number of years ago. Looked to be unused and it's been my main rotation brush since then.

Distributed by Marshall Fields & Co, which was based in Chicago. I believe this is one of your creations and any info would be handy,




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Martin - no worries, hope you get an answer!

The joys of brushes - a new area for me.

I'm thinking that this will be the way I go - just clean it up a little (I know how to do this for the knot but need to investigate how to clean the handle without damaging it) and give it a burl. If the know ends up falling apart I'll get it reknotted.

No sure how many brushes I have room for in the bathroom though. If I restore the others what do I do then? [sigh]

Have you checked out this thread on another forum?

I've not been through all of it but there seems to be a wide range of vintage Simpsons there, including one like yours here.

Hi Martin

Sorry, only just read your post. 1960s brush - one of the 'American's' that were popluar from the 50s through to the late 90s (AS, Brook Brothers, etc).
Nice brush! Will try and dig out one of the old brushes and throw you a photo so you can compare to yours.


What's doin Gary,

Thanks for the reply, and no hurry with the pics. Whenever you get to that is fine.

I musta found this a little over two years ago and it's been used between 400-500 times by now. Never did bloom out all that much, giving it a smallish size knot.

Quality control back then wasn't too bad I guess. After all those shaves, the brush may have dropped five hairs in total, if that many. Pretty impressive. Still has plenty of spring to it. That is one fun brush to use.

Type at you later,


Mark1966 said:

Have you checked out this thread on another forum?

Thanks for thinking of me Mark. Yeah, I'm familiar with that link....even posted in it last year. Reading my old post made me realize the brush I was posting about here is actually three years old and not two like I thought. Sheeesh.
