Help me decide please ...

I've tried both, so here is my take:
The Feather AS-D2 is the prettiest razor I've ever used. End of. I just loved the looks. It's mild but that didn't bother me. I like tame razors. Alas, it was a pass around razor and I had to send it back. I then won a Feather WS-D1S in the TSR raffle and was slightly disappointed. It's not as pretty... it had to go.. If you go for the Feather, go for the AS-D2S with the stand.
The Merkur Progress is one of my favourite DE razors. From pussy cat to tiger - it's all there. The plastic knob is not very nice, so do what I did.. go for a Digress.. mine has the brass knob. Nice...
The Feather is muuuuch prettier, the Progress more versatile and to be honest the better razor. Money being no problem I'd go for the B&R Adjustable instead. Good looking and adjustable. However...
Thanks Bezoar for your input. I have had vintage razors but now really prefer new as I just about stopped myself from starting to collect ...

By the way, I do like your avatar!
well its not a matter of collecting things. One cant have enough vintage razors. Its hard to say that the best modern razor can out do a razor made in the 50s.

The weishi is supposedly the most mild razor made these days, some say its milder then the super speed its based on. Thing is, my winged super speed is more gentle and mild,,,,, but both cut like a chain saw.

I was going to order a Merkur today but now I will have a rethink.
well the finish on mine is basically an afterthought its so well used, but my shave this morning, I pass "almost bbs", second pass was just for fun.

At least for me, the winged Gillette head is the pinnacle of TTO razor design.