Help for acne prone skin!

A good demonstration, Shanky, of my point about using products to Marky. You have found a product you like and a way to use it. I wouldn't myself, or recommend anyone else to apply a product neat first anymore. Always wet face first, hydrate product in hands before applying. If all goes well, take as many shortcuts in future as needed - and use as much as you want for effect or fragrance. Your timescale should be instructive to Marky = by the time you get to your final pass (Markys only pass) a fair bit of soaking has happened. I doubt Marky is skilled enough yet to gradually reduce on each pass, and 3 close passes would leave a look like raw hamburger!
By the way Marky.
If the RAF care about your appearance so much, why do they still dress you in Prussian remnants? ! !
it's too early in the morning for me to think of anything witty to come back with so i'm just gonna say this- the navy dress far worse
Recently another member on TSR joined RAF and was concerned with the daily shaving regime. Can't remember whom, but he is still alive

If you are worried about the frequency of shaving, and if your skin will recover, I'll suggest Professor Blighty's Yellow Unction. Just PM him here on TSR to inquire. I find it is the best help if you feel at night time, that your skin, for whatever reason, might not be up for it next morning.

Right now I'm redecorating my daughters room, and putting up a fair bit of drywall. I find all the dust from the sanding really drys my skin like nothing else. Yellow unction to the rescue, and I have no shaving problems.

It is quite a rich cream though, so I suggest you test it soon so you know if it interferes with your acne.

hey guys it's been a while

ok so after following lots of advice i found on here my shaving has drastically improved along my ingrown hairs/acne

only thing is after watching the video and following the advice to shave straight down the way ( i had usually been going at a slight angle, with the grain) i am now gettin' more problems on the left side of my face where it had been the right side to start with
and funnily enough the right side of my face is lookin' and feelin' almost perfect lol

would it be at all possible that i should be shaving at a slightly different angle for each side of my face?

yes. hair does not grow uniformly.

do 2 passes with the grain with a straight. that should stop you getting ingrown hairs.

you will need to find out the way that your own stubble grows so that you know which way is wtg.
Marky, get some dispersible/soluble aspirin.
Put 1 tablet in a cup with just enough water to cover and let it dissolve.
With a cotton pad cover all your face. really lay it on and let it dry naturally.
Do this twice a day and in a few days your skin will clear right up.
Honestly, try it!
I got red spots all over my legs after the last shave (not the same issue I know but irritation nonetheless) and tried the aspirin treatment, and I am shocked by how well it works! This morning I just ground up a bunch more aspirin with the mini food processor and added it to some homemade lotion (with calendula, jojoba and chickweed oil). I can't wait to experiment with it!