Help for acne prone skin!

+1 all round.
I found that tallow and lanolin based soaps tend to give me spots/breakouts , I now tend to stay clear of soaps and creams containing these ingredients .
I do not use balms , I will either use a aftershave splash or witch hazel and a alum block .
I still get the odd spot but not as bad as when using soaps with lanolin or tallow in them .
Canuck said:
So, just to repeat, what are you using now?

heh sorry i forgot to include that

right now i am using Gillette Sensor Exel twin blade razor and King of Shaves gel with aloe vera shaving gel and either King of Shave SPF 8 or Aloe Vera gel as moisturiser depending on what's closer to hand

btw thanks for all the helpful replies guys. This is something I should have got sorted ages ago methinks.

EDIT- so i've bought that Tend Skin Ingrown Hair Solution on the recommendation of sjedwardz and am looking into getting another DE razor
i was using one a couple of weeks ago though and was getting such a terrible shaving rash on my neck i would wake up itching during the night lol
but that could be because it was just a cheap one for a couple of quid from boots
i'll look into a better quality one but not sure if i'll be aloud to take it to basic training in case it could be used as a weapon?
does anyone know if they might look at it this way?
I think the Excel is supposed to be one of the better cartridges anyhow bin the rest and buy a traditional soap, cream and brush.

Palmolive soap stick, cream and a Wikinson boar brush will get you going for a fiver, learn how to make lather and with one very gentle pass use a fresh Excel going with the grain and nothing else. If you think can manage another identical pass without skin damage, soreness or irritation fine.

Rinse well and finish by swabbing with witch hazel or witch hazel based cleanser, all of which is available from the high street or supermarkets.

Don't worry about closeness of shave for now that'll come, see how your skin reacts, study the guides and mantic59's videos.

EDIT - It's far better not to get ingrowns in the first place by learning to shave properly rather than shave badly and need to use product.

...and, once you've got lathering sorted (and by that I mean consistently excellent), bin the Sensor and get a DE razor and blade trial pack.
thanks guys will do
just had a pretty decent shave ( minus the proper lather with a brush-i'll get them today)
it wasn't all that close at all because i was going for just the one pass
i'll have to get better at that though for inspections lol
not sure if i'll be aloud to take it to basic training in case it could be used as a weapon? does anyone know if they might look at it this way?

Yes you're allowed a DE razor. You could take a hunting knife with you to Halton if you wanted to, as long as you don't threaten anyone with it you won't be in trouble. They're going to trust you with a rifle and a bayonet within your first few weeks.

Yes, if you can afford a decent razor I'd get one, maybe something like an Edwin Jagger DE87 or 89 as they're a reasonable price and super quality, as well as being good for beginners. That, a brush for lathering up (think of all that lovely exfoliation) and a simple soap should solve your problem I reckon... though it will take a little while for your skin to adjust and clear up.
Things may have changed a lot over the years, however at one time a friendly NCO would have guided you through a "how to shave" induction at the commencement of your basic. That was followed by a report on the days bowel movement. So, if you get there knowing both skills you'll be well ahead of the game.

JohnnyO. \:blush::blush:
haha that sounds...awesome and disturbing at the same time

yeah a corporal( female actually:s) offered to teach anyone who wanted to learn how to shave
but mistakenly i thought i would know pretty much what i'm doing
thing is up until now i've been using a babyliss stubble trimmer set on the closest setting and now i know this will be sacrilege here but...damn was that a comfortable and easy way to do things
Your shaves will and do get better but don't expect miracle shaves to begin with, as with any new skill set it takes time to learn the good habits until they become instinctive. Gillette didn't tell you that did they?

They didn't tell any of us either.
"Babyliss Stubble Trimmer" .................... Really got to love that one ! Next you'll be telling me that you bull boots with the soggy end of a warm Mars bar.

JohnnyO. /\
Hi Marky,
If you see another of my recent posts you'll see I'm still learning the hard way - more water, less product. Antdad talks lots of sense.
I'm 53 and definitely should have learnt this before.
Wet face. Wash face with a little E45 or similar, rinse, repeat, don't rinse and leave wet. Have your publicised (or not) bowel movement. Rinse face. Apply a VERY watery shave lather. Brush teeth, scratch and arrange knackers for the day (wash hands?!). Rinse face and lather - but as watery as you can. Shave one pass. Rinse face and use lather left in brush for gentle 2nd go at BADLY missed bits. Rinse twice. First warm to remove ALL traces of soap, then cold to tone. Pat face dry. A little witch hazel if needed.
We use most of our products for pleasure, not necessity, often subconsciously changing the way we shave to accommodate the product. An exception, I like using alum when I have a nick - but I don't nick myself so as I need to use it. Try a cheap tube of shaving cream, and use the same amount as you use toothpaste for your teeth. It's an easy way to learn how little you need with good techniques (easy, but not quick). THEN find products you like and learn how to adapt to use as much as possible! Beware the RSM who insists you wear Eau Sauvage!
You could try washing with E45 or similar at night - treat your skin to keep it as elastic as possible by hydration, not chemically. A tiny amount of vaseline warmed by rubbing your hands together can help - but gently - don't stretch your skin.
You will soon get a technique good enough to want to fill a trunk with goodies, but know how they affect your shave and skin. If you start with loads of product you will never know if it is technique or gloop.

PS Never EVER pass over the same place without relathering. You will learn how far you can go, but until then, no lather - no blade.

i agree, some soaps people find easier to lather than others, i use tabac usually.

i just can never get good lather with wilkinsons blue bowl (im not the only one)

tabac lathers well for me. but i find palm olive is better but i perfer tabac

ive found i always get better shaves using a preshave cream.
this is what i usually do

rub in prorasso pre/post cream. then strop razor. go into bathroom, run hot tap then keep splashing face with really hot water. while soaking brush. add a drop of water to soap. start lathering up then 1st pass, splash face,get rid of lather on face, then more water. add a little water to brush using tap then relater and time for 2nd pass

same for third pass, then i rince razor and soap (i leave it in pot in middle of sink (after it fell of side im taking no chances) then keep splashing face with cold water then prorasso pre/post again