Hello from York

Cheers guys. Had another great shave this morning. I think my technique is getting better with lathering, got it bang on today. Maybe technique isn't so good with the razor - still getting a good few nicks but I'm not bothered - I can't feel them like I could with the Fusion.

Got myself the Nivea ASB yesterday too which is nice.

I did think afterwards my face was a bit more sore, like I'd got burn mainly around my mouth and I'm not sure if that's because I did 3 passes with touch ups in that area only, or because the blade is getting dull...? I'll change the blade and try again when I can.
Might be either or both - I'd advise either 2 passes and touchups or 3 passes and leave well alone - I sometimes do what you've done and I get irritation either in the same area as you or slightly higher around the edge of the moustache area, and, though I rate my technique as "average", I have nearly 18 months of experience so my technique is likely to be better than yours at this stage.
Well, I changed the blade yesterday to an Astra, much smoother shave and I could hear the difference.

Shaved with it again today and had a superb shave until I decided to be stupid and do some touch ups. I think the result is very smooth but not quite a BBS. So I think from now on I'll just leave it at 3 passes with NO touch ups.
You're shave will get better over time without you really trying. Your technique will naturally improve as your arm and hand gets used to the action of shaving with a DE.

As long as you are following the guides, which it souunds like you are, then patience will bring you an excellent shave.

Technique takes a while to master, and I haven't quite got there yet, although my shave today after 7 weeks shaving is much better than it was after 2 weeks.
I'd say it took me a good 6-8 months for my technique to become "grooved" to the point where I would get a close consistent shave on a regular basis, though you still have to concentrate on what you're doing. It's really a question of developing "muscle memory" in that a hard-wired link establishes between the motor cortex and the muscles involved to hold the razor correctly and maintain the blade angle and prevent pressure being applied.
Thanks everyone, had some pretty major irritation today tbh.

Not sure what I did but from what I can gather...

I did a nice 3 passes with no irritation, then did some touch ups (completely ATG). As soon as I washed my face areas on my chin (same on both sides) it bled. I was definitely using too much pressure and I didn't even know it - just shows the difference between a cart and a DE eh?

My own stupid fault really, should've just stuck to the advice I'd been given on here, but I was half asleep and will now know better!!

Better have a day off I think!
A fellow Yorkie! Welcome and enjoy.

Only been at it a few months but gradually settling on what suits me best. It really helped learning to understand the unique topography of my face and shaving with it rather than fighting it - totally anti-intuitive as a long term cartridge user.

All the best
Cheers guys, going again today - 3 passes only!! Got a pretty heavy growth on for just two days (had a day off yesterday like I needed), and I'm looking forward to it!