Hello from the North

Saturday July 11, 2009

I'm glad that I found this UK based shaving forum. I'm 64 years old and have shaved with everything that you can think of. My shaving gear is too large for the bathroom and has now extended into other rooms, much to the anoyance of SWMBO. I'm looking forward to spending some of my time here.

Again, hello to all.

"We are all connected, whether we know it or not"
Red herring Hunnymonster. I'm from the north of England. "Manoflamancha" refers to Don Quixote who tilted at windmills and is something that I am prone to do, especially when I see so many injustices in the world. Getting too heavy now, sorry :roll:

Keep tilting at the mills. Nowt wrong wi' that.

(But don't call in a preemptive surgical air strike with anticipated collateral damage using white phosphorus and cluster bomblets.)