Hello from Somerset

Tuesday March 29, 2011
Good Evening Gents

Popping in to say hello. Former MD of Simpson Brushes and father of the 'much loved' (so I have seen on here!) Gary Young.

I look forward to chatting with some of you.

Welcome Jim.

I lived in Somerset for 6 years when I was younger. I lived in Ilchester and Yeovil and I enjoyed my time down there. Used to have a summer job when I was a student working for the local tenting firm Yeo Bros Paull. 20 years ago now, but I still have good memories from my time spent down there
And a good evening to you as well.
Think I have just watched the best game of football by a '2nd XI' for a while!


I am a Lancashire lad originally before marrying into the brush making fold but have lived in the deep south (either London, Windsor or Somerset) for the best part of my life now. My son lives in Yeovil and has done for the last 12 years or so. Got to admit Somerset is a beautiful county - great way of life down here!

IanM said:
Not the Jimmy Young?

Hello and welcome.


Well, I have not been called 'Jimmy' since I was in short trousers! Which was back in the days when the world was still painted black and white!

Hi and welcome to TSR Jim! Good thing you like "Jim", you don´t want to be confused with Jimmyman, it could be devestating in the B/S/T section :lol:
Hello Jim

Welcome to the forum. It's good to see you here. I note on another thread that you must know that the world of internet shaving forums is not all sweetnesss and light. C'est la vie. But it is very entertaining.

Can you imagine how you would have used the internet during your business years?

I shall look forward to reading your contributions.