Hello from Seattle

mattlad said:
Welcome Steve! Hope you enjoy the forum and have many good shaves. What kit do you use?

Lately I've been using Arlington - the shave soap, aftershave, and cologne. All wonderful stuff. I've been alternating between two Rooney brushes - a Finest 3/1 and a Heritage 2XL. Today I used a Sheraton which I rather like.
And another welcome!!!
this is a most helpful place where people can help you manage your bank account> Foe example I gave Dodgy my bank details and I have never been happier.
Slick said:
this is a most helpful place where people can help you manage your bank account> Foe example I gave Dodgy my bank details and I have never been happier.

Good to hear you say that TBS,

That makes two of us.


Oh yeah, nice to see you out on the work release program once again.

You two timer Marvin, you told me you were only managing my bank account and that your best bargain razors were just heading my way............I'm shocked....... :shock: :shock: :shock:
Yours depressed of East Londinium