Hello from Pacific Grove CA USA

I also remember you from the early days of TSR when we had just broken away from Badger & Blade's "UK" section and you were one of the first Americans to join us.
I have two copies of your book - one I bought myself and one that arrived as a present!
Nice to hear from you again - you are doubly welcome!
@SirPrize - Thanks, Anthony. I hope you found the book informative and useful. As you can tell from the first two chapters, I thought it might well be a gift and in fact a gift to a man who had never considered traditional shaving with a DE razor but who was known to family and friends as someone who hated shaving. Thus the persuasive tone of the first chapters, to make the case for giving it a try.

For the past few years I have been active on Reddit's Wicked_Edge subreddit, which attracted many novices with novice questions and novice problems, and I felt I was doing good work there. But gradually WE has changed character somewhat, so I decided to move my active posting elsewhere (though I still have my blog). And I do feel welcomed here.