Hello from Pacific Grove CA USA

I thought maybe running though some demonstrations newbie pointers based upon your written advice perhaps?? You certainly have seemed to have gained a lor of knowledge and seeing your collection, you obviously know your product. It would never have occured to me to buy a Parker 24C as a beginner razor over a DE89 for example as even "The English Shave Company" in its description says " for experienced wet shavers." Maybe you could scotch a few more myths.
Let me think about it and see what I can come up with. My own inclination is to acquire information from reading, which seems more efficient than viewing videos, but certainly I've had requests to do a full shave to show how a 5-minute shave looks in action.
Thought this would be a more appropriate place; I just wanted to say I'm a fan of your blog and Reddit posts, both providing me advice and guidelines ever since I started this hobby.
Really awesome to see you here as well. Not that I'm in a position to welcome anyone . I'll read you around.

I appreciate the welcome, even if made from an unauthorized position. I've been active on Reddit's Wicked_Edge for a few years, but the Reddit format means that posts inevitably scroll out of sight regardless of popularity and new comments (though of course the new comments fall off sharply once the post is no longer visible on the first page or two). The forum, in contrast, keeps active posts visible (and growing), plus I like the "new posts" feature.