hello everybody

What ever you do, don't send bank details to the US (it's from there the shaving gear letters comes from, same type of scam as the Nigerian letters that has plagued the world for decades, but with a shaving angle)... Don't do it!
obduliovarela said:
ha ha! never received this one, but quite telling re how popular shaving stuff has become these days...

I'm not saying Dodgy M has anything to do with these letters, I'm just saying be careful ... He could have something to do with them, but I've got no evidence to back such a statement up ... just saying, not pointing the finger in any direction, it would be rude, without evidence.

Ok that's fine Uncle Mikey,

Long as you aren't accusing me of anything.......yeah, we're good I think!

I remember those scams from a while back from someone in the US doing the damage to many members, but it wasn't me. I think it was some guy from New York, who has since changed his forum name and has seen Jebiz Cripes.

Since you bring it up though, I still do have access to valuable shaving items from various exclusive estate sales in the Midwest states. Plenty of provenance.......you can ask missingchin about that.

To the OP, let me tell you what's going on here. Are you familiar with the term 'stalker'? Sigh,,,,,,,yes, Mikael one of those when it comes to new guys showing an interest in straight razors. It looks like he's taken a....a 'healthy interest' in your well being. That is bad.

Best thing's to block him out totally. It's what all the experienced members do. He unfortunately will never give up.

Ok then, glad to help out the new guy,


Oh, new guy? You're welcome to email me about all the wonderful shaving crap I have for sale. Keep in mind i will need a $1000 Paypal retainer for any purchases I might need to make for you for any special orders. Actually, I like you! Just this one time I will lower that payment to only $500. I will regret doing this discount in the morning.
See this...... It's a war between straight razors and DE Razors.

Ha Ha Ha now I can shave with both with impunity...$500 retainer you say Martin (lowered from $1000 ) that sounds very nice of you bud, your not normally that nice, it's got me thinking.............................................................................................
..............Maybe your stash of shaving crap is indeed running low due to selling mountains of it so........... it could be time to.................... Get a straight Razor YES,I think Micky has the odd one he could lend to you....

you know he's only trying to do his bit for friendly relations, however the diplomatic man that he is........only wants to see you shave with out that guard just once ....like a man :icon_eek::icon_cheesygrin:
Mikael said:
What ever you do, don't send bank details to the US (it's from there the shaving gear letters comes from, same type of scam as the Nigerian letters that has plagued the world for decades, but with a shaving angle)... Don't do it!

As all shaving originated here in the United States its only fair that we receive due credit and remuneration. You wouldn't begrudge us that?

Man, you must have taken the shine to this grasshopper. That's very nice of you Martin! I hope it wasn't due to late night drinking (vintage After Shave splashes and that you don't have a Tabac breath this morning) though.
LOL it could take a while for Martin to reply....he's probably sleeping it off in his bathroom ....intresting sent mingling in there (vomit +Tabac)
Yes, John, I hope Martin hasn't fallen asleep on the bathroom floor, then you have to add the pain from stiff joints to the headache and Tabac breath. Not a nice way of waking up, indeed!
Mikael said:
Yes, John, I hope Martin hasn't fallen asleep on the bathroom floor, then you have to add the pain from stiff joints to the headache and Tabac breath. Not a nice way of waking up, indeed!

LOL,hopefully not, the :blush: factor could be high, more so if that cold floor has made his bladder let go, he could have made the mistake of thinking that some one had turned the heating on (if only for a few seconds) not the way I would wish to wake up in the morning.

Hell, if the lure of tabac is that bad, he could start a downward spiral,and end up like my avatar (Bad Santa ) but I think it's AM over in the USA at the mo, so I guess we will have to hang it out until his eye's open.......to find out.
Mikael said:
Indeed, it would be horrible if he had let go on the floor, as well. Oh my, I hope Martin is okay!!

Yes I hope he is as well....but don't worry....I am positive that when he wakes up (with a coffee ) and goes to his computer and reads all this,he will indeed rise up like a Phoenix out of the ashes and set the story straight ......... The poor lad
Awww, shuckens (said in my best bashful hillbilly voice),

The concern some members have for me is somewhat touching. I am fine....thank you though.

Far as last night goes, it was the quarterly get together of a group I belong to. Yeah, we all meet somewhere four times a year. Matter of fact, I haven't got around to sleeping since getting back.

Yeah, when they arrive, everyone takes a huge dose of MDA. After that it's mainly finding a comfortable place (and the right people) to spend the next 6-8 hours with. This was a little smaller gathering than usual, with only around 40 people. Heh......a 'lovely' experience as usual. http://www.zoklet.net/totse/en/drugs/psychedelics/mda.html

So no reason to worry.

Gratefully yours,

Phew, after reading that article I feel much better. Cheers Martin, for sharing this with us, now we can now rest assured that you'll keep of the Tabac and that you're safe (the guy seems to know what he's talking about).