hello everybody

hi, I have followed this forum for some time, using it intermittently to get info. Although I hold this forum and some of you personally responsible for the huge amount of stuff I've been piling up in the last couple of years, I thought I'd register to say hello and thank all the contributors for the excellent place you maintain

I live London and am quite passionate about straight razors and brushes, will try to contribute from time to time
Mikael said:
Hello and welcome to TSR! I, too, blame Dodgy Martin, he's such an enabler, real bad apple that one. But I guess all forums has one.

Whooo boy howdy, where's my most extreme sarcastic emotion thingy? The poor OP doesn't know when he's being set up. Hah, Mikey, you picked up on him using a straight I see. I was gonna warn him about you, but now I don't have to......

Pretty funny calling me an enabler.....
thanks everybody for the warm welcome

as to who is responsible, please let me know if I can apply for a partial refund, I am more than happy to send over my banking details :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin: