Heathrow Fire !

Sunbury !!
Anyone that has just watched the BBC News, the fire at a Warehouse at Heathrow is where i work, or where i normally work when not off sick :roll:

Oh well, might have a job to go back to in a couple of weeks.......i hope !!
"No-one is believed to have been hurt but witnesses report a small number of explosions, probably from gas cylinders on the vehicle."

Could this in fact have been Sunbury's secret stash of shaving tackle blowing up?
good job there was none of my Benjamins Double Strength Bay Rum in my Desk Drawer, a bottle of that to fuel the flames & Surrey Fire Brigade would never have put it out !!

I did - then put the Alcolado on... all was going well until I stepped outside... bit fresh for a minute or two, that's all :mrgreen: